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Biden’s Mideast Mess

President Joe Biden has been criticized for his recent actions that have affected US-Israel relations. On March 27, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the suspension of a controversial judicial bill after weeks of protests in Israel. US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, welcomed the move and hinted that Netanyahu would be visiting President Biden in the White House soon.

However, Biden spoke to reporters the next day and rebuked Netanyahu for trying to rein in the judiciary, saying that Israelis “can’t continue down this road.” He also said that he would not be welcoming Netanyahu in Washington in the near future. This has caused a rift in US-Israel relations and has left Americans and Israelis scrambling to repair it.

Biden’s double standard when it comes to Israel has been called into question. While the US criticizes Israel for its internal debates and reforms, it remains silent on countries like Iran, where protesters are murdered. This has caused frustration among the supporters of Israel.

There are three reasons why Biden’s relationship with Israel is complicated. Firstly, there is a personal history between Biden and Netanyahu that has been discussed in the media. However, personal diplomacy does not always work on the world stage. Secondly, political constraints mean that Democrats have grown tired of Netanyahu and his nationalist and religious coalition. Thirdly, Biden’s comments make a successful negotiation between Netanyahu and the opposition less likely, as opposition leader Lapid knows Biden is on his side and is therefore more likely to make maximalist demands.

Biden’s actions have caused a rift in US-Israel relations when the two countries should be working together to prepare for potential confrontations with Iran. A true friend would know the difference between partners and adversaries and would know when to hold his tongue.

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden’s Mideast Mess

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