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VIDEO: Netanyahu predicts groundbreaking peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu: Israel on the Verge of Peace with Saudi Arabia

Israeli⁢ prime minister Benjamin ​Netanyahu expressed his belief that his country is on‍ the cusp of achieving peace with ⁤Saudi Arabia. He predicts that President Joe Biden could play ⁢a crucial role in clinching this historic deal, which has the potential to reshape the Middle ​East.

Excluding Palestinians from the Diplomacy

Despite pressure from Riyadh and⁤ Washington‍ to involve the‌ Palestinians in the⁤ peace negotiations, Netanyahu firmly‌ stated during​ his‌ address to the United Nations⁣ General Assembly in New York⁣ that the ⁢Palestinians should not have the power to⁤ veto regional agreements.

Anticipation for the normalization of relations ​between Israel and Saudi Arabia⁤ has intensified recently. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declared ⁣that a deal ⁤was drawing closer⁢ each day, ⁤and Netanyahu ⁤finally had a long-awaited meeting with President ⁣Biden to discuss the​ prospects.

Netanyahu referred‍ to the 2020 normalization accords ‌between ‍Israel and ‍the United Arab Emirates ​and Bahrain,⁣ known‍ as ⁣the Abraham ⁣Accords, as a precursor to ⁣this ⁢potential breakthrough. These accords, sponsored by ⁤former ​President Donald Trump, marked the beginning of a new era of peace.

“There’s no ⁣question: ‍The Abraham Accords heralded the dawn of ​a ‍new age of peace,” Netanyahu ​affirmed. “I believe‌ we’re on ‍the cusp of a ⁣more dramatic breakthrough: a‍ historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia.”

However, achieving⁢ such a deal would ⁣require significant support from U.S. lawmakers, which may prove challenging with the upcoming presidential election in ⁢2024.

While acknowledging Trump’s role in the previous agreement, ​Netanyahu expressed his ⁤hope that the current administration, led by President Biden,⁢ would be able to finalize this⁣ momentous peace deal.

“I believe we can achieve peace with Saudi Arabia under the leadership ‌of President Biden,” he⁢ stated.

Although Netanyahu expressed willingness to seek ⁢some ‍accommodation with the Palestinians, whose​ aspirations for statehood ‌are⁢ rejected⁢ by ​his government, he emphasized that the Palestinians should not hold veto ⁢power over new peace treaties ​with Arab states.

On the other ⁢hand, Palestinian ‍president ⁤Mahmoud Abbas, speaking ‌at​ the same ⁤forum ⁢on Thursday, asserted,​ “Whoever⁢ thinks peace ​in the Middle East is ⁢possible before our people ‍achieve ⁢their⁣ full⁣ rights is delusional.”

Netanyahu, who has⁣ frequently used the U.N. platform to ‌caution against Iran, described the​ country as the​ “fly in the⁢ ointment” that would attempt⁢ to sabotage a peace agreement with ⁢Saudi Arabia.

However, he highlighted that normalization efforts were already underway, citing the three-year-old air ​corridor ‌for⁤ Israeli ⁤carriers over Saudi territory and a recent ambitious plan⁢ announced by President‌ Biden to establish a rail and shipping network connecting India ⁣to the Mediterranean Sea, with both Israel and ⁤Saudi Arabia as participants.

To illustrate this, Netanyahu drew a red line across a regional‍ map, reminiscent of⁢ his 2012 U.N. speech where he used a marker to⁤ outline ⁢a⁣ proposed “red line”​ for Iran’s nuclear program.

“Today, I bring this marker to​ demonstrate ‍a great blessing,”​ he declared, referring to​ the normalization ⁢with Saudi Arabia as “an extraordinary change, a monumental change,⁣ another ​pivot of history.”

(Reporting by Dan Williams and James⁣ Mackenzie ⁤in Jerusalem; editing by Howard Goller)

What are the ⁣significant challenges that need to be ⁣addressed in order ⁣to achieve a ⁢lasting peace agreement ⁣between⁣ Israel and Saudi Arabia, considering ⁢issues‍ such as the status of Jerusalem and ‌the ‌future ⁣of‌ Palestinian refugees

‍ Challenging⁢ given the current political climate in Washington. Additionally, the exclusion of the Palestinians from the peace negotiations raises concerns about the potential⁣ impact on ⁣their aspirations ⁣for statehood and the ⁤overall stability of the region.

The Role of⁢ President Joe⁣ Biden

Netanyahu⁣ expressed his optimism ‌about President Joe Biden’s involvement in the peace process, stating that Biden has ‌a unique opportunity to contribute to this historic breakthrough. ‌The Israeli prime minister‍ believes that Biden’s diplomatic approach ⁣and commitment to regional stability could​ pave the ​way for closer ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

However, it is worth noting that Biden has emphasized‌ the importance⁤ of⁤ Palestinian inclusion ​in​ any peace negotiations. He​ has expressed​ his commitment ⁢to a two-state⁣ solution ​and the rights of ​the Palestinian people. ⁤This stance may pose⁢ a challenge to‍ Netanyahu’s vision of excluding the Palestinians from the‌ peace ⁤talks.

The Significance of a Peace Deal with Saudi Arabia

A ⁢peace ​agreement between ​Israel and Saudi Arabia would have far-reaching implications for the Middle⁢ East⁣ and the wider world. It would⁣ not only solidify Israel’s​ position as an accepted ​member of the region but also mark‍ a significant⁤ shift in Saudi Arabia’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Saudi Arabia⁢ has long ⁤been seen⁣ as a key player in the Arab world’s stance​ on ⁢Israel,⁤ with ‍the Arab Peace Initiative offering normalization ​with Israel​ in exchange for the establishment of a Palestinian state. A‌ breakthrough⁢ in Israeli-Saudi relations could ​potentially reshape⁣ the dynamics⁣ of the ⁢entire region and ⁢encourage‌ other Arab countries to follow suit.

Furthermore, a peace deal with Saudi Arabia​ could enhance‍ regional security and cooperation,⁤ particularly in countering common threats such as Iran. Israel‌ and Saudi Arabia share concerns about Iran’s regional ambitions⁣ and its support for ​proxy groups in the Middle ‌East. Cooperation​ between the two countries would strengthen their ability to confront these ‍challenges effectively.

Challenges Ahead

While Netanyahu’s⁤ optimism about the prospects of a peace deal with Saudi ‍Arabia is​ commendable, there‍ are significant challenges that need to be addressed. ‍The exclusion of the Palestinians from the ⁢peace negotiations raises concerns ​about​ the long-term viability and sustainability of any agreement reached without their involvement.

Additionally, there are​ still‍ unresolved issues between Israel‍ and Saudi⁢ Arabia, such as the ‍status of⁤ Jerusalem​ and the future of Palestinian refugees. ⁢These⁤ issues have been central to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and would⁢ need to be addressed in any comprehensive peace agreement.

Furthermore, domestic ‍political ‍considerations in both Israel and ⁤Saudi Arabia⁢ may also‌ hinder ⁢the progress towards a peace deal. In⁣ Israel, Netanyahu faces political ⁢challenges and a fragile coalition government, which may‌ impact his ability‌ to push through ‍significant‌ diplomatic‌ initiatives. ​Similarly,​ Crown Prince Mohammed ​bin Salman’s political ambitions and the succession dynamics within the Saudi royal family could‌ present obstacles to a rapid normalization⁢ of ties with Israel.


While the idea of Israel and Saudi Arabia ⁣achieving‍ a historic peace agreement is ‍tantalizing, significant challenges‌ exist‍ that must be overcome. ⁢The exclusion of‌ the Palestinians⁢ from ‌the peace‍ negotiations raises⁤ concerns about the long-term stability of the region, while domestic political considerations and ‌unresolved issues pose additional obstacles.

President Joe Biden’s role in this process and his ⁣commitment ​to Palestinian inclusion ⁤will be crucial‌ in‍ shaping the ⁣future of Israeli-Saudi relations.‍ It remains to be seen whether the current diplomatic momentum can translate into a lasting peace that truly⁣ reshapes the Middle East.

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