Sen. Rand Paul Offers Dr. Rachel Levine As Example Of Radical Agenda Riding Biden’s Coattails

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Dr. Rachel Levine As Example Of Radical Agenda Riding Biden’s Coattails

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) discussed his recent contentious questioning of Dr. Rachel Levine with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Friday, describing the nominee for assistant Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary as an example of the radical leftist agenda being ushered in by President Joe Biden.

“The thing is, a lot of people voted for middle-class Joe Biden,” Paul told Ingraham. “He was supposed to have these middle-class, working-class values. My guess is none of them realized that he was going to appoint someone so extreme as to believe that a minor can make a life-altering decision to change their sex, even overriding the parental consent.”

“Now, I think they would do it with no parental consent,” Paul continued. “But I think [Levine] would also do it if the parents said no and the kids said yes. She’s also on record as saying, ‘Well, yeah, and if they’re street kids, we’ll do it even sooner.’ Think of what that really means. That means a homeless child, who’s either had a rotten childhood or no parents or has a mental illness themselves, she’s willing to do the sex change even quicker.”

Paul then defended what he asked of Levine as “not a wild question.”

“This is a real question, and they are giving these hormones that change the sex — testosterone to girls and estrogen to boys between the ages of 14 and 16 — that’s really … a crime against nature, and it’s also something that should require parental consent.”


Paul made headlines Thursday when he grilled Levine on the nominee’s support for giving children puberty blockers and sex-change surgeries. Levine refused to answer the question directly, twice reverting instead to a seemingly scripted answer.

During the 2020 campaign, former Vice President Mike Pence and others warned that Biden was simply a means by which the radical Left would assert their agenda.

As The Daily Wire reported:

Vice President Mike Pence warned would-be voters … that Joe Biden is a candidate who, if elected president, will serve as “a Trojan horse” for the most radical elements of the far Left’s political agenda.

Speaking to a group at Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin, where the Republican Party was founded in 1854, Pence said he was there “to talk about what’s at stake, and to talk about the choice our nation faces” in the upcoming presidential election. “Our economic recovery is on the ballot, but also are things much more fundamental and foundational to our country,” he continued.

“It’s not so much whether America will be more conservative or more liberal, more Republican or Democrat, more red or blue. It’s whether America remains America,” said Pence, who went on to characterize the choice this November as “two paths, one based on the dignity of every individual, and the other on the growing control of the State.”


Regarding Biden’s potential role, Pence said, “Joe Biden has referred to himself as a transition candidate. But many were asking across this country, ‘A transition to what?’”

Related: Biden Is ‘A Trojan Horse For A Radical Agenda,’ Mike Pence Warns

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