the federalist

U.S. funding encourages impoverished individuals to harm their own children.

World ‍Contraception Day and International Safe Abortion⁢ Day: The ⁣Dark Agenda

On World Contraception Day (Sept. ​26) and International Safe Abortion Day (Sept. 28), the culture of death celebrates its efforts to depopulate the world. The Biden administration must⁣ publicly denounce⁢ the racist agenda behind its domestic​ and global policies regarding “sexual and reproductive health.”

The Hidden Motive Behind “Sexual and Reproductive Health”

As outlined in the 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200, also known as “The Kissinger Report,” the agenda behind “sexual and reproductive health” is not health​ care​ but population suppression, particularly in the developing ‍world.

Decisions made at the highest levels in the U.S. government and by​ wealthy Western foundations profoundly affect the lives‍ of people halfway around the world.‍ No country has escaped the pressure from agencies that advocate for “sexual and reproductive health,” a euphemism⁣ that includes‌ contraception, sterilization, and abortion.

The ⁢strategy ‍behind this‌ approach is explicitly detailed in ‌”The Kissinger Report.” The ⁣document serves as a blueprint for world depopulation and lays out the five-step strategy by which the U.S. government aggressively promotes population control in developing nations in order to have better access to the natural resources of these countries. “NSSM-200” was written because⁣ the U.S. National Security Council ⁣saw rapid population growth in the less-developed countries (LDCs) as a major threat to our national security.

“NSSM-200” is devoid of morality or ethics and has directly encouraged atrocities⁣ and ​massive⁢ human rights violations in many nations,⁣ especially in Africa. As outlined in “NSSM-200,” population control programs could include legalizing abortion, financial incentives for countries to increase abortion, sterilization, and ​contraception-use ⁣rates, ⁣indoctrination of children, and mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as⁣ withholding disaster and food aid unless a poor country implements population control programs.

As Pope ⁣Benedict XVI emphasized in paragraph 28 ⁢of “Caritas in veritate,” his encyclical‍ on international development, “openness to ⁣life” is at ⁢the “center” of ‍any authentic ⁤development, and “cannot in any way be detached from questions concerning the development of peoples.” Some parts of the world, he said, “still experience practices of demographic control, on ⁢the part ​of ⁢governments that often promote contraception⁢ and even go so far as to impose abortion.”

He added: “In ‌economically developed countries, legislation contrary to life is very widespread, and⁢ it has already shaped moral attitudes ‍and praxis, contributing ⁤to ⁣the spread‌ of an anti-birth mentality; frequent attempts are made to export this mentality to other States as if it were a form of cultural progress.”

Local pro-life and family​ activists in developing nations are under⁤ siege from international anti-life and anti-family forces. It is routine for Western governments and foundations to offer substantial financial​ and infrastructure aid, but on condition ​of⁤ also accepting things like massive shipments of contraceptives or introducing graphic sex education in schools. This is the perverse, and frankly, racist thinking that motivates so much of the population control industry, as detailed in “NSSM-200.”

Rather than providing the essential‍ things people need, western governments​ and foundations ⁢prefer to provide ⁢and promote nonessentials—i.e., contraception and abortion—and to undermine the pro-family cultures in many countries. Rather than helping to⁣ build and develop, providing aid for building infrastructure, improving food access, providing clean water, training teachers, and encouraging entrepreneurship, they ⁢would rather pressure families to have fewer children, convincing developing nations that somehow, they will magically get huge health, ‌social, and economic ⁢benefits.

Half a ⁣century later, “NSSM-200” remains the foundational U.S. document on population control and continues to represent official U.S. policy, ‍providing a remarkable insight into‍ the mentality of U.S. population control extremists. No wonder the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and agencies of the United Nations, like the United‍ Nations ‌Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) ⁤and ⁣the World Health Organization (WHO), ⁢dedicate so much of their energy towards “family planning” — i.e., population control.

It is evident by its policies ⁢that the⁤ Biden administration is​ wholly committed to advancing ⁣the ideology of “NSSM-200,” ⁣endorsing its racist blueprint for depopulation as if it were a form of cultural progress. Hence, vulnerable peoples in the developing world ⁣will continue to be exploited and suffer under intense⁢ pressure from ⁣the so-called developed nations ‍and well-heeled foundations to ‌fall in line with their anti-life view of life and family issues.

The Biden administration must reject the blueprint of racial discrimination,​ end all U.S. aid tied to this agenda, and condemn ​international organizations that use financial aid to champion population control.⁤ Instead, may Biden champion true solidarity with the billions of people struggling to live a dignified⁣ life, especially in developing countries.

Let the United States take the lead in using its power and resources to support ‍authentic human development that respects the sacredness of human life,‍ defends the dignity of marriage and family life, and promotes genuine human development that is anchored in respect for‌ human dignity.

How does the population control ⁤agenda outlined ‌in “NSSM-200” target⁢ developing⁢ countries and perpetuate racial inequality?

=noreferrer noopener”>blueprint for ‍the population control agenda that continues to ‌be⁢ pushed by the culture of death. It is⁣ a sinister agenda that seeks to manipulate and control the reproductive choices of ‍individuals‌ and ⁢suppress population growth, particularly in developing countries.

The Racist Nature of ⁢Population‍ Control

The population control agenda, ⁤as ⁢outlined in‌ “NSSM-200,” is inherently ⁢racist. It targets countries in the developing world, ⁤primarily inhabited⁤ by people of color, ‌and aims ⁢to limit their population growth in order to gain ‍better access ‍to their ⁣natural resources. This blatant exploitation of vulnerable nations‌ is not only morally reprehensible but also‌ perpetuates systems of inequality and oppression.

Furthermore, the strategies proposed in “NSSM-200” to achieve population control are deeply unethical. They include coercive measures such‍ as forced sterilizations‍ and abortions, as well as the withholding of‌ aid​ in times of disaster and food shortages unless a country ‌implements population control programs.‍ These actions‌ demonstrate a complete disregard for human rights⁢ and ⁤the dignity of individuals.

It ⁣is important to recognize that the culture ⁤of death⁣ extends‍ beyond the issue of abortion. It encompasses a wide range of practices and⁣ policies that devalue​ human life and⁤ undermine the ‍social fabric of societies. By promoting contraception and abortion as solutions to development challenges, western governments and ⁤foundations are undermining the importance of family and procreation, which are fundamental to ‍the well-being of individuals and communities.

A Call for the Biden ​Administration to Take a Stand

Given ‌the Biden administration’s commitment to promoting human ​rights and global justice, it is‌ essential that they publicly denounce the ⁣hidden ⁢motives behind “sexual and⁤ reproductive health” policies. They must recognize that these policies are not about promoting the well-being of ​individuals but rather serve a dark agenda of ​population suppression and exploitation.

The United States has a responsibility to champion human rights and advance policies that empower individuals and communities. This means⁤ supporting initiatives that ​prioritize access to healthcare, education, clean water, and economic opportunities, rather than ⁢focusing on population ⁤control measures that undermine the dignity

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