the federalist

Trump’s Georgia indictment reveals the severity of Democrat political prosecutions, surpassing the alleged crimes.

Another prosecutor ​has done it again. In legal pursuit of Donald Trump, ‍she’s made herself look somehow crazier and more pathetic than any of his desperate attempts to “overturn ⁣the results” of⁣ the 2020 election.

I know that entire year is still​ a sore spot for⁤ everyone, especially for us, the people who watched for months on end the state-sanctioned harassment‌ of​ innocent pedestrians, the justification of violent riots (so⁢ long as they were of a ⁤particular persuasion), and, most enraging, the fix of a national election through ballot rigging and intelligence community meddling. Of course, Trump was angry he lost. So was everyone who voted for him.

And he had ⁤every right to pursue⁢ any ‌legal avenue that‍ might possibly correct an invalid election result. Unfortunately, he was wedded, and‍ remains so, to the most unlikely⁤ one — the hunt for hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots.

Re-read the transcript of the January 2021 phone call ⁢between Trump, some of his staff and legal ⁢team,‍ and Georgia’s secretary‌ of state. Or better yet, ⁤ listen to it. Trump sounds enraged to the point of tears each time ‍he’s told that his numbers aren’t born out by the data and that all⁤ attempts to⁤ validate his claims of mass fraud have turned out either vastly exaggerated or completely without merit. ⁣His ​response is to say he‍ should have never​ endorsed ⁤the​ governor and call him a “disaster,” who ⁢“I can’t imagine he’s ever getting‍ elected again.” (Kemp won reelection in November⁢ with more ⁣than⁤ 53 percent of the‌ vote.)

It’s ⁢a pitiful thing to witness, ⁢and if Democrats were a smart bunch, they ‍would have collectively said,‍ “Okay, that was⁣ interesting. We’re going to head out now. See you in four years. And ⁢could you ​bring this Trump guy ⁢back again?”

But rather than take the win, Democrats⁢ have instead decided to hang around, get drunk, and take⁤ turns saying, “Watch this!” while doing belly flops ​into an empty pool. The latest is a criminal indictment of ⁣Trump and several ‍others from Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis, who unveiled the charges Monday with the cringiest late-night press announcement.‍ She plodded through her prepared remarks at head-splitting volume, enunciating⁣ every ​syllable‌ of every word as if she was speaking to an elderly,‌ hard-of-hearing Chinese immigrant.

Willis said the charges relate to ‍the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute. To give you a sense of how surreal that is, Willis used the⁤ same thing last year⁤ to prosecute a gang ‍ called “Young Slime Life,” led by the appropriately named Young Thug, for multiple murders, carjackings, and ​shootings. By⁣ contrast, ‌Trump’s “criminal enterprise,” as Willis called it, involved a ‍hissy fit phone call, requests for ballot information from⁢ Georgia election officials (all denied except one by​ an⁤ official who literally invited the scrutiny), and ⁢a‍ long-shot ⁣effort that would ensure placement of alternate ⁣electors to‌ cast votes ‍for Trump in the event that the initial electors ⁢were deemed legally⁣ invalid.

It may not be a murder, but it’s pretty darn close!

Democrats like Willis will do literally anything ‌to​ get some ​media⁤ attention re-litigating 2020. If ‍Trump had looked for fraudulent votes⁤ at Chuck E. Cheese instead‌ of Fulton County, some Democrat‌ prosecutor would ‌have poured countless arcade tokens into getting the animatronics to say they ⁣had been pressured into ⁤overturning⁤ the election.

The former president’s post-election ​efforts spiraled into humiliating conduct. But to give up your ​dignity by insisting on something you’re unable‌ to prove is no more ‍illegal ‍than an attempted cartwheel in public that​ ends with your‍ pants coming off.

If⁣ I’m in a restaurant​ with a friend and ⁤I tell my companion to grab⁢ the money left on a nearby table because it’s actually mine, I might be ⁤lying to steal ‍it, or I might actually believe it’s mine for any‌ number of ⁣reasons, including because maybe it really is mine. If I’m lying and my friend knows I’m lying and grabs⁣ the money for ⁢me, we’re both ⁤guilty of theft. But if my friend asks ⁢me⁣ to prove the money is mine and I can’t, so he refuses my request, and we drop the matter, perhaps‍ that ⁤makes me a questionable character‍ for making an unjustified claim — but did I commit a ⁢crime? Good luck not looking like a petty, wildly incompetent idiot‍ pursuing that case.

Trump’s post-election behavior was unseemly enough for voters to ponder whether they’d actually ⁢be ​comfortable nominating him for president again. But in the Democrats’ unending quest to heal from their trauma of 2016,‌ they end up looking far worse ​than Trump each and every time.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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