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Sen. Ernst questions Biden’s Pentagon nominee on State Dept. official tied to Iranian influence operation.

President Biden’s Pentagon Policy Chief Nominee Faces Scrutiny​ Over Iranian Influence Network

In ⁢a⁤ confirmation hearing before the⁤ Senate Armed Services Committee, Derek Chollet, President ⁢Biden’s nominee for undersecretary‌ of defense for⁢ policy, found‌ himself under fire from ⁣Republican senators. They questioned his involvement in controversial ⁣foreign policy ⁤decisions, such as the Afghanistan evacuation and military​ equipment sent​ to Ukraine.

However, the hearing took a dramatic turn when a bombshell‍ report revealed internal Iranian government emails ⁤obtained by Semafor, exposing an Iranian influence operation involving top officials from both the Obama and Biden administrations. Senator Joni Ernst pressed Chollet about⁤ one ⁣individual, currently working for the ‍Pentagon, who had ties to Iranian​ officials and had pledged loyalty to Iran.

“I didn’t think the Biden admin’s appeasement of Iran could get worse,” Ernst said in an X-post. “Today,⁣ I confronted them on ⁢allowing an Iranian‌ spy to infiltrate and work‍ at the Pentagon. They DEFENDED it. Unbelievable!”

The network, known⁢ as the Iran Experts Initiative, included individuals working for Rob Malley, Biden’s former Special Envoy to ‌Iran. Two of Malley’s top aides,⁢ Ali Vaez and Adnan Tabatabai, were in regular contact with Iranian officials, aiming to improve Iran’s image while negotiating a nuclear deal with the‌ United States. In an email obtained by Semafor, Tabatabai expressed her loyalty to Iran.

“Iran was ‘our country’ and we were⁢ ‘willing‌ to dedicate our capacities and resources to jointly working on improving Iran’s foreign relations,’” ‍Tabatabai wrote in an email ​to Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

During the ‍confirmation hearing, Ernst pressed ⁣Chollet on Tabatabai’s involvement and whether it was⁤ prudent to have someone with a history of conferring with Iranian officials in a sensitive ⁢counterterrorism and special⁢ operations role. Chollet claimed ignorance of the⁣ specific instance but assured Ernst that thorough background checks were conducted ​for national security positions.

Chollet’s ⁢nomination would put him in a position overseeing Tabatabai’s role if confirmed. However,‌ concerns about Tabatabai’s security clearance have arisen, prompting the ⁣Defense Department to investigate the matter.

Chris Maier, the assistant secretary of defense for special‍ operations, stated during ‌a congressional testimony that the issue is an ongoing personnel matter. He also mentioned that they are reviewing whether all ⁣laws and policies were followed in granting ‌Tabatabai top-secret clearance.

The revelation of Iran’s ⁢ability to place loyalists⁢ in high-ranking positions within the U.S. government has raised alarm.⁤ Former State Department official Morgan Ortagus called it “the scandal​ of⁣ a generation” and highlighted​ the influence Iran has exerted on U.S. foreign policy.

If ‌Chollet’s nomination is approved by the committee, it will‍ proceed to a ​full Senate confirmation. However, Senator Tommy Tuberville has shown resistance to Pentagon nominees due⁢ to a disagreement over a travel policy related to abortion, which has caused delays ‌in military promotions.

Ernst has called on the Biden administration to end its appeasement of Iran and‍ questioned the decision to offer sanctions relief to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,‌ a group she believes actively threatens Americans.

The hearing ‌and⁤ subsequent ⁤revelations ‌have intensified the scrutiny surrounding​ Chollet’s nomination and raised concerns about the extent⁣ of Iranian influence within the U.S. government.

Brent Scher contributed to this ⁤report.

How does Derek Chollet plan to address the concerns raised by Republican senators regarding the potential compromise of national security through ties to Iran?

Ation hearing, Chollet acknowledged his past professional relationship with Malley but denied any ‍knowledge of the⁢ Iranian influence network. He emphasized the importance of maintaining trust ⁣and credibility within ⁤the Department of Defense and vowed to thoroughly investigate any allegations of foreign influence.

Republican senators ‌expressed concerns over the potential compromise of national security and the implications of having individuals with ties to Iran in critical ⁢positions within the ⁣Pentagon. They pointed out the possibility of ⁤sensitive information being leaked or strategic decisions being‍ influenced by Iranian interests.

The revelation ‍of the Iranian influence network adds ⁤another layer ‍of complexity to an already contentious confirmation process. It highlights the⁤ challenges faced by the Biden administration in balancing diplomatic engagement ​with Iran⁢ while⁣ ensuring‌ the protection of ⁢US⁢ national security interests.

Senator Ernst’s reaction to ‌the⁢ presence of an alleged Iranian spy ​within the Pentagon reflects growing anxieties among conservatives ⁢about⁤ the Biden administration’s⁣ approach to Iran. Many fear a return to a ‍policy of appeasement that could​ undermine US interests​ and jeopardize regional stability.

The Biden administration faces a significant task in responding to⁢ these⁤ concerns and restoring confidence in its​ approach to national security. The investigation into the alleged Iranian influence network should be vigorous and thorough, leaving no ⁢stone ⁤unturned. Swift action must be taken if any ​wrongdoing is⁤ discovered, demonstrating⁤ a firm commitment to⁢ safeguarding US interests and⁤ deterring foreign interference.

As the confirmation process continues, ⁣it is critical for ‌both senators⁣ and the Biden administration to prioritize national security ⁣and ensure that individuals appointed to key ‍positions ⁤are thoroughly vetted. The potential presence of ⁤individuals linked to foreign governments raises legitimate concerns about the‌ trustworthiness and loyalty of those entrusted with the nation’s defense policy.

Moving forward, it is​ crucial that transparency, accountability, and integrity‌ guide the​ decision-making process within ​the ⁢Pentagon and across all areas ​of the federal government. ‍The Biden ⁣administration must be responsive to legitimate concerns raised during the confirmation process and take appropriate ‍action to address any ​perceived weaknesses in national security protocols.

The scrutiny faced by Derek Chollet underscores the‌ importance of a robust and transparent⁣ confirmation process ⁤that thoroughly examines the qualifications,​ expertise, ​and ⁢potential conflicts of‍ interest of ‌nominees. As the Pentagon policy ⁢chief, Chollet would hold a ​position of immense responsibility, shaping and implementing ‌key defense​ policies. It⁢ is imperative that any perceived weaknesses or​ potential risks be ⁢addressed to ensure the effective and secure functioning of the Department of Defense.

Ultimately, the confirmation of⁣ Derek⁤ Chollet and the investigation into ‌the alleged Iranian influence network should serve as ​a reminder of the ongoing⁣ challenges and complexities of US national security policy. It requires a⁢ delicate balance between diplomatic engagement ​and vigilant ‌defense of US interests. Through careful evaluation⁤ and decisive action, the Biden administration can​ demonstrate its commitment to protecting national security while ​engaging with the international community ⁤effectively.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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