The federalist

Biden’s plan for eco-friendly military vehicles gives China control of US military infrastructure.

President Biden’s Climate-Friendly Military Puts China in Control

President Joe Biden’s latest plan to make the American military “climate-friendly” would not only weaken our military advantage, but it would also put Red China in control. During a recent Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was asked whether she supports efforts by the Biden administration to make the U.S. military an “EV [electric vehicle] fleet by 2030.” Granholm replied, “I do, and I think we can get there, as well.”

The Biden Administration’s Unrealistic Vision

Granholm’s testimony was hardly the first time the Biden administration has outwardly endorsed the idea of overhauling America’s military to fit the left’s unrealistic vision of a so-called “environmentally friendly” fighting force. On Earth Day last year, Biden gave a speech in Seattle, in which he laid out his vision of using “billions” of taxpayer dollars to make “every vehicle” in the U.S. military “climate-friendly.” Unsurprisingly, the president failed to explain how he intends to achieve this ludicrous goal.

“I’m going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military — every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly. Every vehicle,” Biden said. “No, I mean it. We’re spending billions of dollars to do it.”

China’s Control Over Key Materials and Components

While leftists obsessed with climate alarmism are undoubtedly thrilled with the Biden administration’s energy-themed “transitioning” of the U.S. military, another likely proponent of the policy is Red China. Beijing controls the vast majority (up to 70 or 80 percent) of key materials and components needed to make electric car batteries, including electric motor magnets. The supply of rare earth minerals, several of which are needed to construct these batteries, is also heavily dominated by China.

“China either directly controls the battery components or has secured long-term agreements with their respective producers to effectively control the markets for its necessary metals,” a recent Federalist report reads. “As a result of how China has positioned itself in any major transition to electric vehicles, it could not only be the world’s exclusive EV battery manufacturer, but it could very well be the sole manufacturer of the EVs themselves.”

A National Security Disaster

If the U.S. military revolutionizes its automobiles to meet Biden’s impractical demands, it would put the military’s core infrastructure needed for combat and national defense in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Biden’s bid to compel service members to rely on unreliable and lower-quality tactical vehicles during military operations would give the Chinese government greater influence over America’s armed forces. Using EVs during military operations is wholly impractical. Unlike gas-powered vehicles, which can be filled up and used within several minutes, EVs often require extensive time to fully charge. Gas-powered vehicles furthermore remain superior when it comes to mileage and repair costs.

Transitioning the military into a “green” fighting force would both outsource America’s military hardware to its greatest adversary and damage its readiness and capabilities. But as with other disastrous policies, Biden will continue ahead without a second thought.


President Biden’s climate-friendly military plan is not only unrealistic, but it also puts America’s national security at risk. By relying on China for key materials and components, the U.S. military would be vulnerable to the whims of the Chinese Communist Party. It’s time for the Biden administration to prioritize national security over climate alarmism.

  • Shawn Fleetwood is a Staff Writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington.
  • He also serves as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review.
  • Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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