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Researcher Thinks He Knows Real Reason Bill Gates Is Buying Up American Farmland

Researcher Thinks ⁤He Knows ⁣Real Reason Bill Gates Is Buying ​Up American Farmland

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has been quietly acquiring large amounts of American farmland, but one researcher believes there’s more to it than just saving the planet from climate change.

In his‍ new book “Controligarchs,”‌ author and investigative journalist Seamus Bruner suggests that Gates and other ultra-rich leftists are actually⁤ positioning themselves to control the food ​production industry.

“The ​takeover of ⁢the food system, like so ⁣many⁢ other control schemes in this book, began with the Rockefellers and was advanced by Bill Gates,” Bruner writes.

Bruner explains that in the 1940s, the Rockefellers funded a research program called the “Green Revolution” to combat⁣ poverty and starvation. While ‍it did bring about positive changes in farming practices, it also led to the consolidation of small-scale​ farms​ into large corporate-controlled operations.

Gates has followed suit,‍ pushing out small farmers to ensure that only the elite have control ⁣over⁢ the‍ land. He also ​seeks⁢ to patent⁣ expensive and supposedly “climate-friendly” agricultural products, allowing him to profit while traditional products are phased⁣ out.

“The Controligarchs claim they can solve the climate crisis with ‌new⁢ patented miracle products that happen to make themselves even richer⁢ and, once again, at the expense ⁣of⁣ small-scale independent farmers,” Bruner explains.

Bruner’s ​book reveals ‌that Gates has spent over $1‌ billion on farm acquisitions and ⁢related technologies. He ‍not only buys the land but also gains control over the water resources ⁣beneath ‍it, further solidifying his influence in the agricultural industry.

The ultimate goal of Gates and other globalist elites is to eliminate family farms‌ and exert⁢ complete control over food production. They aim​ to implement their own solutions to climate change without relying on government action, which has faced ‌resistance from voters.

While Gates and ​his cohorts feast on luxury foods at international gatherings, ⁢they promote lab-grown meat​ and insects for the rest of the world. This scheme ⁢not ⁤only ​consolidates their power but also lines their pockets.

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According to Bruner’s book, Gates has been quietly purchasing American farmland ‌for over a‍ decade, spending billions of dollars on acquisitions and Agenda 2030-compliant technologies. ​This UN initiative aims to end poverty ‌and hunger while protecting the planet.

Bruner highlights ​the deeper implications ​of these land purchases, noting that Gates also gains control over underground⁣ water​ resources. This further solidifies his control over the agricultural industry.

The ultimate goal of‌ Gates’ land acquisitions‍ is⁢ to ​eliminate family farms and seize control of food ‌production. This allows him to push his own solutions to climate change without relying ​on government action, which ‍has faced opposition from voters.

As Bruner’s book ​reveals, Gates’ actions not only consolidate his ‌power but also enrich him and other globalist elites.‍ While they⁤ indulge in luxury foods, the rest of the world is‍ forced to consume⁢ lab-grown⁤ meat and insects.

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What are the potential implications and consequences⁤ of Bill Gates’ control ‌over the food ⁢production industry

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Bill Gates’ ​extensive farmland acquisitions‍ in America have raised eyebrows and ⁤sparked speculation about his true intentions. Author ⁤and investigative journalist Seamus⁤ Bruner suggests in his book “Controligarchs” that Gates,‌ along with other wealthy leftists, is ⁢not just focused on addressing climate change but is actually positioning‍ himself to control the food production industry.

The idea of controlling the food system⁤ is not new; it has roots in the actions of the Rockefeller family in the 1940s. The Rockefellers funded the “Green Revolution” to combat poverty and ​starvation by introducing ‍improved farming ⁣techniques.​ However, this initiative also led to the consolidation of small-scale ⁣farms into large corporate-controlled operations. Bruner argues that Gates is following a similar path, pushing out small farmers and patenting‍ expensive agricultural ‌products‌ under the guise of being ⁣climate-friendly.

Gates’ land acquisitions go beyond just buying the land⁢ itself. He also gains control over the water resources beneath the land, further solidifying his influence in the ‌agricultural industry. Bruner reveals that Gates has spent over $1 ⁢billion​ on farm acquisitions and related technologies, evidencing his commitment to this‍ agenda.

The ⁢ultimate goal behind ‍Gates’ actions, according to Bruner, is to eliminate family farms and exert complete control over food production. By doing so, Gates and other globalist elites can implement their own solutions to climate⁣ change without relying on government action, which often faces opposition‍ from voters. ⁣While Gates and his cohorts enjoy luxury foods at international gatherings,‌ they​ promote lab-grown meat and insects‍ for‌ the rest ⁣of the world. This scheme not only consolidates their power but also lines their ⁣pockets.

This revelation raises the question of whether or not⁣ we can trust ⁤Gates and his intentions. The implications of ‍his actions are ⁤significant and call for a‍ critical examination of⁢ his motivations and the potential⁢ consequences of his control‌ over⁣ the⁢ food production industry.

Seamus Bruner’s book‍ exposes the hidden agenda behind⁢ Gates’ farmland acquisitions ⁢and serves as a⁢ reminder to remain vigilant about​ the actions of influential individuals like Gates. By staying informed⁣ and questioning the motivations of those in positions of power, we can better understand the ​potential implications for society and work towards a more transparent ⁢and accountable future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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