Washington Examiner

Rand Paul asks for Fauci’s job details long after supposed retirement.

Sen. Rand Paul Requests Employment Records of Dr. Anthony Fauci

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has taken a bold step in his quest for transparency by requesting the employment records of former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci. In a letter addressed to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Paul seeks to determine whether Fauci is still receiving a government salary or other government perks.

Uncovering the Truth

Paul’s letter specifically asks for “additional information regarding Dr. Fauci’s employment status and receipt of taxpayer-funded benefits,” despite his upcoming departure from NIAID and resignation as President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser. The senator points out that Fauci had previously stated in interviews that he was not retiring but moving on to the “next chapter” of his career.

“While many interpreted these statements to mean Dr. Fauci would be ending his employment with the federal government in December 2022, it is not clear if that is in fact the case,” Paul wrote in the letter obtained by Fox News. He raises important questions about Fauci’s current employment status and whether he is still receiving certain taxpayer-funded benefits associated with active public service, such as legal counsel and protective service.

Seeking Answers

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, responsible for overseeing Fauci’s security status, has yet to receive any updates regarding the end of his employment with the administration. This lack of information only adds to the intrigue surrounding Fauci’s situation.

Earlier this year, Paul speculated that Fauci may be using his employment in public service as a legal shield, fearing potential indictment. Despite not speaking on the record about any alleged ongoing work, Paul believes that Fauci’s continued employment provides him with legal protection under the federal government.

“It is my belief that he is worried about being indicted, and so he continues to work, so he will get legal protection under the federal government,” Paul told Sean Hannity in March. “This is wrong on every level of it, and we are going to get to the bottom of it.”

Unveiling a Cover-Up

Paul’s request for employment records comes amidst his persistent claims that Fauci orchestrated a “cover-up” of the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Many suspect that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and Paul further alleges that Fauci allowed “dangerous” gain-of-function research to take place there.

As the investigation unfolds, Paul remains committed to uncovering the truth and ensuring transparency in the government’s handling of the pandemic.

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