Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley criticizes Biden’s meeting with Xi Jinping as ’embarrassing’.

Republican‍ presidential candidate Nikki Haley criticizes Biden-Xi meeting⁣ as “embarrassing”

Republican presidential ⁢candidate Nikki Haley expressed her⁤ disappointment with‍ the meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese‌ President Xi Jinping, calling it⁢ “embarrassing.” The⁤ two leaders met in San Francisco for over four⁣ hours to ‌discuss various ⁢issues, including the flow of ‍fentanyl into the United‍ States, military communication, artificial intelligence, nuclear arms control, trade, and climate.

Haley‍ emphasizes national ‍security concerns

Haley, speaking to ⁢Fox News‌ host ⁣Sean Hannity, highlighted Biden’s perceived weakness on national⁤ security and lack ​of strength displayed during the meeting ⁤with Xi. She expressed serious concerns about‌ the⁢ ongoing U.S. border crisis, pointing out the potential risks associated ‌with unvetted individuals entering the country.

“It is really ‍serious that you ‌have just⁤ the thousand that we know ⁤from Yemen and Lebanon and​ Iran. That doesn’t‌ count​ Afghanistan.⁢ You are talking about China‌ and ​Russia,” Haley stated. “All it takes ⁤is ⁣one. It takes one to have ⁤a 9/11 moment.‍ We have got to secure ‍this border.‍ You’ve got to stop having that ⁢flow come in.”

She further criticized⁤ the lack of‍ barriers at the border, citing the recent actions⁢ of Hamas in Israel as⁢ an example. ​Haley stressed the importance of vetting individuals⁤ and ensuring national⁣ security, warning that failure to do⁢ so‍ could lead‌ to dire consequences.

Haley‍ accuses Biden ⁣of putting Americans at risk

Haley firmly stated ⁢that Biden is putting Americans at risk by not prioritizing their safety. She argued that the president’s primary responsibility is to protect⁤ the American people, a duty she believes ​Biden has failed​ to ‌fulfill.

“We can’t ‍afford‍ to ‌put Americans at ⁤risk, and that’s what Joe Biden’s doing every day,” Haley asserted. “He’s putting ⁤America at risk. A ​president has one ⁣job, and that’s⁢ to keep their people safe. And he has not‍ done that.”

Biden’s response and ongoing concerns

Biden assured‍ reporters that he and Xi would maintain direct contact‌ in the⁤ coming ⁣months. He‍ emphasized the importance of addressing ⁢human rights issues and maintaining clear communication ‍for effective diplomacy.

The meeting ⁣between‍ Biden and Xi coincided with congressional⁢ Republicans questioning Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about⁢ the ⁣surge in​ illegal immigration at the border⁤ and the increased flow of fentanyl into​ the⁤ country‌ since his appointment ‌in 2021.

Since​ March 2021, the number of immigrants arriving at ⁢the‍ U.S. border has reached record levels, ​surpassing⁤ any previous figures in Border Patrol’s history. The Biden administration has faced ⁢criticism for the significant increase in monthly encounters, with numbers ranging from ​160,000 to 270,000, ⁢compared to the previous range of 20,000 to 50,000⁣ encounters.

Click here to read more from The⁣ Washington Examiner.

How could lax immigration policies and inadequate ⁤border security potentially contribute⁤ to the access of​ a biological ‌weapon or a tactical nuclear weapon?

Access to a‌ ​biological weapon or a tactical ‍nuclear weapon.⁤ And once it is in, we can’t ​‌stop⁣ it. We can’t ‍control⁢‍ it.”

Haley’s concern over national security is not ‍unfounded. The‌ issue of border ⁤control has been a contentious ‌topic in U.S. politics. Critics ‍argue that lax immigration policies and inadequate border security pose a significant risk to national security.⁢ With China and Russia being major global players, any ‍potential threat posed⁤ by individuals with harmful intentions ⁢is a cause for serious concern.

The Biden-Xi meeting: a missed opportunity?

Haley also criticized ‍the Biden-Xi meeting as a missed opportunity. Instead‌ of holding China accountable for its human rights⁣ abuses and unfair trade practices, she argues that ‍Biden showed weakness by not addressing these issues forcefully enough.

“China has been‍ getting away with ⁢everything, whether it is stealing intellectual property, whether ⁢it is developing ​drones over our airspace, whether it is making sure that they ​are using artificial intelligence in a ​way ‍that is undermining our national security,” Haley said.

Her criticism‍ reflects‍ the ⁣ongoing concern ‌among⁣ many Republicans that the current administration is not​ doing enough to hold China accountable for ​its actions. ⁢They‌ argue that a stronger stance towards China is necessary‌ to protect American interests ​and preserve national security.

Implications for the 2024 presidential race

Haley’s criticism⁣ of Biden’s handling ⁢of the meeting with Xi‍ Jinping could be seen as‌ an⁣ attempt ⁢to position herself as a strong Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential race. By ⁤emphasizing her concerns about national security and taking a tough stance on ⁣China, she is aligning herself with the conservative base and showcasing her potential⁤ as a ⁢leader who will prioritize ‍American interests.

As the Republican primary race heats up,⁢ candidates ⁤will ⁢undoubtedly ‌focus on issues related to national security and China’s global influence. Haley’s critique of Biden’s handling of the ‍meeting may resonate with Republican voters who have concerns about the current administration’s approach to foreign policy.


Nikki Haley’s criticism of the Biden-Xi meeting reflects broader concerns among ‍Republicans regarding the current administration’s approach to national⁤ security and China. With the ongoing border crisis and potential threats posed by unvetted individuals entering the country, Haley argues that greater emphasis should be placed on protecting ​American interests and holding China accountable for ​its actions. As the 2024 presidential⁤ race approaches, Haley’s critique positions her as⁣ a ⁣potential strong Republican candidate and highlights the significance of national security and the U.S.-China relationship ​in the‍ political landscape.

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