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Nebraska Dems Cry, Shriek With Joy After Killing Babies In Womb Remains Legal In Cornhusker State

Nebraska Democrats Cheer as “Heartbeat Bill” Fails

Nebraska Democrats were overjoyed when a bill that would have protected babies in the womb once a heartbeat is detected failed to secure the necessary number of votes needed to advance in the state legislature. The video of their celebration went viral, highlighting how fanatic the Democratic Party has become on this issue.

Celebrating Abortion is Glorification of Violence

“Celebrating abortion is glorification of violence,” Babylon Bee founder Seth Dillon tweeted. “Change my mind.”

Many people on Twitter agreed, with one user saying, “I don’t care what your position on abortion is, cheering for abortion is repugnant. And all I see are white women cheering for the death of black babies. Gross.”

Republicans Needed One More Vote

Nebraska’s “Heartbeat Bill” failed thanks to one Republican. Republican Senator Merv Riepe abstained from voting, which blocked the bill from advancing. Republicans needed 33 out of 49 senators to vote to end debate in order to bring it to a floor vote, Catholic News Agency reported. They received only 32 votes, thus likely ending the bill’s chances this legislative session.

In reaction, GOP Governor Jim Pillen was furious.

“I am a staunch defender of life and supporter of the Nebraska Heartbeat Act,” Pillen said after the vote. “I am profoundly disappointed in the cloture vote today. It is unacceptable for senators to be present not voting on such a momentous vote. I call on Sen. Merv Riepe to make a motion to reconsider and stand by the commitments to life he has made in the past.”

Reminder of the Insanity of the Left

Until that happens, the video of the Nebraska banshees weeping tears of happiness because women can kill their children until 22 weeks should serve as a reminder of just how insane the Left has gone.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.


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