Washington Examiner

Over 7.6 million people await treatment in the UK’s NHS.

Approximately 7.57 million Britons Waiting ‍for Routine Healthcare Treatment in the UK’s National Health Service

According to new‍ numbers released on Thursday, ‌approximately 7.57‌ million Britons ‌are currently⁣ waiting for routine healthcare treatment in the United Kingdom’s National⁤ Health Service (NHS). This comes just⁣ over ‌a ⁣month after the⁣ NHS celebrated its 75th‍ anniversary. The latest data reveals that wait times for the nationalized‌ healthcare system have tripled from pre-pandemic levels, with an ​increase of 100,000 patients between May ​and June of this year.

Long Wait Times⁣ and Backlogs

As of ‌the end of June, a staggering ⁤314 UK citizens had been waiting for more than‍ two years to⁤ receive routine healthcare treatments, such as hip replacements. Additionally, over 7,000 patients had been waiting for over⁢ 18 months, and more than 380,000⁢ had been waiting for more than a year.⁣ The ‌majority of patients, over 4 million, had been waiting for ⁢up to 18⁤ weeks, according to the NHS report.

Impact​ of Junior Doctor Strikes

The ⁣recent spike ​in wait times can be attributed, in ​part, to a‌ series of strikes by junior NHS ‌doctors in recent months. ‍These strikes have caused periodic⁢ breaks in healthcare‍ provision across the UK. The ‍upcoming strike ⁣from August 11 to August ⁤15 will ⁤be the fifth junior doctor strike, resulting​ in ⁣a total of 450 service hours or 19 full days‌ with the NHS functioning on only two-thirds of its medical staff.

“This latest round of junior doctors strikes will again significantly disrupt services‌ for patients, ​and⁢ the additional⁢ challenge this time is that ‌organizations are ​unable to use agency workers to cover staff out on strike,” said NHS National Medical Director Stephen Powis in a press statement about⁣ the most recent strike. “It is also a period of time where NHS staff often take annual leave, so there are already gaps ⁣in the workforce.”

A press statement from ⁤the NHS indicated​ that nearly 780,000 hospital appointments had been postponed due​ to the physician strikes.

Pressure on British Prime Minister⁣ Rishi Sunak

Thursday’s report​ puts significant strain on British Prime Minister Rishi ‌Sunak, who has made promises to reduce waiting list ⁣times. “Today’s data is a reminder of the significant pressure on staff, with this summer currently⁣ on trajectory to ​be the ⁣busiest in NHS history, all while industrial action continues to disrupt services,” said⁤ Julian Redhead of NHS England in response to the report.

NHS as a Universal Healthcare System

The NHS has often‍ been cited by ‌critics of the U.S. healthcare system ​as an example of a successful universal healthcare system. This summer, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), along with Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) ⁢and Debbie⁣ Dingell⁢ (D-MI),‍ reintroduced the Medicare for All Act to restructure the U.S.‌ healthcare system.

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