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Kelly Osbourne criticizes Prince Harry, saying that everyone faces difficulties in life.

Former reality star Kelly Osbourne unloads on Prince Harry

Former reality star Kelly Osbourne has some strong words for Prince Harry. In a recent podcast rant, she accuses him of complaining and capitalizing on hardships that others simply dealt with and moved on from.

Osbourne joined hosts Jennifer Welch and Angie “Pumps” Sullivan for Tuesday’s episode of their podcast “I’ve Had It,” and she didn’t hold back when it came to the red-headed royal ex-pat.

“He’s a whining, whinging, complaining, ‘woe is me, I’m the only one who’s had mental problems, my life was so hard,’” Osbourne mocked Prince Harry, calling him a “f***ing t**t” and arguing that he hadn’t had it any worse than anyone else.

Osbourne didn’t stop there. She continued to criticize Prince Harry, referencing his controversial costume choice at a 2005 party where he dressed up as a Nazi. She said, “Everybody’s life was f***king hard. You were the prince of a G** d*** country who dressed up as a f***ing Nazi, and now you’re trying to come back as the Pope? Suck it.”

These comments from Osbourne come after Prince Harry’s recently-canceled deal with podcast platform Spotify, which also included his wife, actress Meghan Markle. The couple has faced criticism from Spotify executive Bill Simmons as well.

“I wish I had been involved in the ‘Meghan and Harry leave Spotify’ negotiation,” Simmons said on his own podcast. “‘The F***ing Grifters.’ That’s the podcast we shoulda launched with them. I gotta get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories.”

Simmons didn’t reveal any further details about the Zoom meeting, but he made it clear that he, like Osbourne, has no use for Prince Harry.

“Shoot this guy to the sun. I’m so tired of this guy. What does he bring to the table? He just whines about s*** and keeps giving interviews,” Simmons said. “Who cares about your life? You weren’t even the favorite son.”

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