Washington Examiner

Financial records reveal that Kamala Harris received Beyonce tickets valued at close to $1,700 as a gift

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Beyonce gifted Vice President Kamala Harris concert tickets worth nearly $1,700, financial disclosure records show.

The gift was revealed in financial documents that the president and vice president are legally obligated to disclose. Harris posted about the concert in August of last year.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to the Indian American Impact Project’s Annual Summit, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

“Thanks for a fun date night, @Beyonce!” Harris said in an August X post, which included a picture of her and her husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff.

The Beyonce gift wasn’t the only ticket gifted to the former vice president — ESPN gifted her $1,890 tickets to the December 2023 Cricket Celebration Bowl game in Atlanta.

Also notable in the disclosure were royalties from her published books. Her 2019 children’s book, Superheroes Are Everywhere, got her $8,254 in royalties. However, her 2019 memoir, The Truths We Hold, garnered her only $234.13.


Neither Harris nor President Joe Biden showed any major changes in income sources in their financial disclosures. Biden did not declare any gifts.

Beyonce is an open supporter of Biden and Harris, endorsing the duo in a Nov. 2, 2020, Instagram post just days before the election.

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