Washington Examiner

Congress to investigate Biden’s border wall spending following Washington Examiner’s report.

House Republicans ​to ‍Hold Congressional‍ Hearing⁢ on Biden ​Administration’s Border Wall Cancellation

House Republicans ‍are‌ taking action ⁣to ⁤investigate the negative‌ impact of the ‍Biden administration’s ‌cancellation⁢ of ​Trump-era border⁣ wall⁣ projects. This⁣ comes ​after a recent series by‌ the ⁢Washington⁢ Examiner revealed the wasteful spending‌ of⁢ billions of dollars.

Two subcommittees of the House Homeland Security‍ Committee‌ will ‍join⁣ forces for a joint hearing⁤ titled “Opening ​the Flood Gates: Biden’s⁢ Broken ​Border Barrier.”

The hearing ​was prompted by ‍the⁢ Washington ‌Examiner’s “Wall of Waste”​ series, which exposed ‌the squandering of federal government ⁤funds⁣ and the ⁣presence of⁤ border wall spending following Washington Examiner’s report.”>rusting border wall materials. A‍ spokesperson​ for ‌the committee confirmed ​this.

The⁣ Washington Examiner visited Deming, New ‍Mexico, ​where​ they met with Russell Johnson, a fourth-generation cattle rancher. Johnson⁤ expressed how the cancellation of the border wall​ on ⁣his property‍ had negatively impacted⁣ his family, land, and livestock.

Johnson showed the Washington Examiner piles of steel‍ sitting near a nearly ⁢mile-long ⁤gap ​in the ​wall, which had ‌allowed human ‍and drug ⁤smuggling organizations ‌to‌ operate‍ in⁢ his⁣ backyard.

Johnson, who has been invited ​to⁣ testify at the hearing, is on⁣ his way ‍to ⁣Washington with a message‌ for both Democrats and‌ Republicans. He hopes that President Biden and his⁣ administration will‌ recognize the lack of operational control over ⁣the‍ southern⁤ border and ⁢work towards a solution.

“Ideally, I would⁢ like⁤ to⁣ see ⁤the​ wall finished⁣ with all the ‍associated technology ⁣that goes with ‍it. In many​ areas, all‌ of ‌the‍ materials ⁣are ⁢still ⁤staged ready for installation,” Johnson⁤ wrote in⁣ a text ​message to ⁤the Washington ⁣Examiner. ‌”I​ hope that President Biden ⁤and ‍his administration show leadership and acknowledge ⁢that ⁣the United‌ States does ‍not ⁤have ​operational control of ⁢our ⁣southern ​border⁢ under ⁢his current policies.⁢ This ⁣administration ‌needs​ to​ listen to ⁣people‌ who live with ⁣and are⁣ directly ⁢impacted by the situation ⁤on the border to ‌reach⁢ a ⁣solution.”

The ⁣Washington Examiner series⁣ also‌ revealed‍ that​ the Biden⁣ administration‌ had‌ agreed ​to ⁣fill in ⁢129 gaps ​in the​ border⁢ wall, ​although ⁤these projects only ​make up a small ‍percentage ⁣of the ‍300‍ miles of unbuilt‌ wall​ that had ​been ⁤funded during ​the Trump administration.

Furthermore,⁣ the absence ​of a⁣ wall has‌ led Arizona ⁤and Texas‌ to ⁤increase‍ their border security ⁤operations,‌ resulting in⁤ significant spending by ⁤state residents. ‌Democrats have ⁤accused Governor Greg Abbott of ⁣politicizing the⁢ issue.

“For too long,‍ the ⁢issues surrounding the​ border‌ and its⁤ security have been‍ politicized⁣ to the point​ that neither party has made any‌ meaningful⁢ change,” Johnson stated. “The safety, security,‌ and ‌sovereignty ‌of this nation⁢ should ‍not be a ⁢partisan issue.⁤ It’s ​time that ⁢America and its citizens‌ are ‌put first.”

The hearing, scheduled‌ for‌ 2⁢ p.m. EDT on‍ Tuesday, will⁣ be conducted by⁤ the House Homeland Security’s ‍Subcommittee on⁣ Border‌ Security and ​Enforcement, led by​ Chairman⁤ Clay Higgins, and the Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and ‌Accountability, led ‍by Chairman Dan Bishop.

Other witnesses ⁣at the​ hearing ‌include⁤ Ntina ⁢Cooper, ‌Customs and Border ⁤Protection’s⁣ acting ‌Deputy Executive⁣ Assistant Commissioner for Enterprise Services; Col. Jason Jefferis,⁤ Head⁢ of Contracting Services at the U.S. Army⁢ Corps ⁣of Engineers; Rebecca ​Gambler, Director of​ Homeland ‌Security​ and Justice at the Government ⁢Accountability⁤ Office; Ron ⁣Vitiello,⁢ former Border ⁢Patrol Chief;⁤ Jim De‌ Sotle,⁤ interim CEO​ of⁣ LoneStar Pipeline Contractor; ‌and ⁢Dr. Alexander ‍Tenorio,⁣ a‌ neurological ​surgery⁣ resident ⁢at⁣ the​ University of ⁤California ⁣San⁣ Diego Health.

Click here to‌ read more⁢ from the ⁤Washington Examiner.

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