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Clinton-appointed judge delivers pro-life win, angers abortion pill maker.

Clinton-Appointed Fed Judge ⁣Delivers⁣ Pro-Life Victory, ⁣Abortion Pill Manufacturer Is ​Livid

A federal judge has upheld West Virginia’s abortion ban as⁣ constitutional, dealing a blow to abortion pill manufacturer GenBioPro Inc.⁢ In a lawsuit ​filed⁣ by the company, U.S. ⁤District Judge Robert Chambers rejected their claims that⁤ the FDA’s approval of ‌the abortion pill should override the state⁢ ban on chemical abortions.‍ The judge⁢ also‌ dismissed the argument that the ban violates the Constitution’s Commerce Clause.

While ‌the ⁣court ruled ⁣in ⁣favor of the state, it did allow GenBioPro’s challenge to the‍ prohibition on prescribing the abortion pill via telehealth to continue. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey expressed satisfaction ⁣with the ⁣court’s decision, emphasizing that the regulation of⁣ abortion is a state issue.

GenBioPro ​CEO Evan Masingill ​responded to the ruling,⁣ stating that the company is considering its “next steps” and remains confident in the strength⁤ of their legal claims. However, the​ company did not immediately provide further comment.

“States enact ⁤laws‍ pursuant‌ to⁤ their police power to regulate public ⁢health and morality,” Chambers wrote. “Morality-based laws often curtail ⁣the ⁢sale ​of goods. The vendors of curtailed goods​ may lose sales opportunities. Outraged, vendors can feel‍ the laws must somehow⁢ be unconstitutional. And yet, the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals have repeatedly affirmed‌ that morality-based⁣ product ‍bans‍ do not intrinsically offend the dormant Commerce Clause.”

Appointed to the bench ​by‌ former President Bill⁤ Clinton in 1997, Judge Chambers’ ruling is ⁣seen as a significant victory for the pro-life movement in West Virginia.

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The post Clinton-Appointed Fed Judge ‍Delivers⁣ Pro-Life Victory, Abortion Pill⁢ Manufacturer Is Livid appeared first on ‍ The Western Journal.

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