the federalist

Elite university Champagne Marxists deny antisemitism for financial gain.

The Shocking Response from Elite⁣ Universities

In the aftermath of the recent Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, ‍some‍ of the most appalling responses came from our nation’s elitist universities.

More than 30 student groups at Harvard University issued ​a statement that holds “the Israeli‌ regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” Students of other ⁤elite universities, including‌ New⁤ York University (NYU), quickly followed ⁤Harvard’s lead with their statements that supported Hamas terrorists while condemning Israel. On college campuses, including Georgetown and the University of Washington, radical students hosted vigils for “martyrs” who were responsible for murdering, raping, and‍ kidnapping Israelis, including ⁣babies, last week. Professors at Yale, Columbia, and other universities also blamed Israel.

Administrators and‌ leaders of these ‍universities, who usually‍ rushed out strongly worded statements about every other so-called social justice incident in the past three years, suddenly decided their institutions shouldn’t take sides. Instead, they must remain “neutral” and let​ “free speech” flourish, even ‍though these institutions have been known as some of the most hostile environments for free expression.

These people⁢ have lectured ‍the rest of America that some words are⁣ equivalent to violence.⁢ But when unconscionable violence occurred, ​they chose to show ⁤solidarity with‌ murderers and rapists while shaming the ‌victims.⁢ Their words and actions have been so detestable and‌ shocking that influential people, usually on the political‌ left and‌ supporters of these institutions, ⁤took‍ notice and⁢ decided to push back.

Too Far for⁤ Some on the Left

Billionaire investor Bill Ackman, a ​Harvard alum and donor, ⁢first posted on X to ‍ask for a list of members of the​ student organizations that issued those vile statements “to insure that none of us inadvertently hire any of their members.” Some companies⁣ followed Ackman’s ⁢call to action. Winston⁣ & Strawn, a prominent law firm in New ​York City, rescinded a job offer to the NYU Student Bar Association ⁣president, Ryna Workman, ⁤who blamed the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and declared that she wouldn’t “condemn Palestinian resistance.” These statements “are profoundly in conflict with⁢ Winston & Strawn’s values,” the firm said.

When their cushy jobs seem on the line,‍ some students suddenly realize it isn’t worth supporting ⁢murderers and rapists. They began to distance themselves from their organizations’ revolting statements. One Harvard law ​student tried to claim ignorance by posting on X that many students “had no say in whether ⁢their orgs signed either letter,” and “Many weren’t even ⁣notified ⁣that their orgs were⁤ considering doing so.” Ackman responded with this advice:

Claiming that you had no involvement or knowledge of the statement but remaining a member of the organization without it withdrawing the statement is perhaps the worst of the alternatives, as it appears ‌to simply ⁣be an attempt to avoid accountability while continuing to⁢ be a member of the organization. ⁤… Public ⁣statements made by organizations of which you are a member can have a material negative impact on your reputation. I ⁤have learned from experience that the ‌best time to fix a mistake is now.

Students are not the only⁤ ones whose support⁢ for radical⁣ ideology wavered when their financial future ‌was in jeopardy. ⁢Billionaire Marc Rowan, a major donor to the University of Pennsylvania and the chief executive officer of Apollo Global Management, a prominent private ​equity firm with close to $600 billion in assets under management, urged fellow Penn alumni to “close their checkbooks” until‍ the⁤ school’s president, Elizabeth Magill, and the chairman​ of its board of trustees, Scott Bok, step down. Rowan blamed Magill and Bok for the school’s history of failing to denounce antisemitism, even after the horror committed by Hamas became known.

Several mega-donors answered Rowan’s call to action. David Magerman, a Venture Capital investor and major donor ⁣to Penn, said, “I refuse to donate another dollar ‌to ​Penn.” The Wexner Foundation ended its financial and programmatic relationship with ​Harvard and the Harvard Kennedy School. Jon Huntsman, former governor of ⁣Utah and U.S. ambassador to China, notified Penn last Saturday‌ that the “university’s silence in ​the face of reprehensible and historic Hamas evil against the⁢ people of Israel … is a new low. Consequently, the Huntsman Foundation will close ‌its checkbook on all future giving to​ Penn.”

A day later and‌ a few billion dollars shorter, Penn’s Magill issued a statement, claiming she and the university⁤ “condemn Hamas’s terrorist assault on Israel and their violent atrocities ‌against civilians” and stand “emphatically against antisemitism.” ‍It turns out that when ⁤money was ‌on the line, the “adults” running the ⁢elite⁣ universities suddenly noticed there was no neutral ground‍ between good and evil.

Champagne Marxists

These leaders ⁣of elite universities, leftist professors, the students they radicalized, and their like-minded fellow travelers, including the Black Lives ‌Matter leader-turned-property owner Patrisse Cullors ​and the ‍disgraced antiracist Ibram X. Kendi, who blew over $40 million in ⁤donations with nothing to show for ⁤it, ⁤are all “Champagne Marxists.”

They have adopted⁤ and preached the one-dimensional worldview first proclaimed by Karl Marx: that ⁤the world comprises oppressors and oppressed. The oppressed​ are entitled to launch armed revolutions to overthrow the oppressors in the old⁣ world and establish a new world. Every conflict, every piece of history, and every single current event is judged or⁢ presented through the lens of oppressors versus oppressed.

These Champagne Marxists support Hamas because they see the terrorist organization as representing the “oppressed.” Thus, any action the “oppressed” takes, regardless of how outrageous ⁢and despicable, is justified. Champagne Marxists publicly denounce countries such as the United States and Israel because they see these nations as oppressors, the very embodiment of capitalism, colonialism, and racism.

Yet, the only thing​ these Champagne Marxists are ⁣good at is spewing horrible ideas from the comfort afforded to them due to America’s political freedom and economic prosperity. They have no problem pursuing and enjoying the lifestyle of the capitalists and colonists they claim to⁣ despise. These ‍Champagne Marxists are hashtag warriors who will ‌only​ stand ‌with the “oppressed” on social media or from the safe space of college campuses. They ⁤won’t last ‍five minutes ⁢on a real battlefield, and they know it. That is why a threat of withdrawing donations or not getting well-paying jobs on ⁤Wall Street is‍ enough to cause‍ some of them to panic and sing a different tune.

Since last week, many Americans, including some on the⁤ political left, have been so shocked by ​the⁣ reactions⁢ from ‍America’s best universities that they ​ask how we ⁤can save our nation’s higher education from its continuing moral decay ‌and march to Marxism. ⁢Here are a few suggestions:​ We ‍must expose the danger of framing every issue through the ⁣“oppressor” and the “oppressed” Marxist worldview; restore⁣ moral clarity on college campuses, recognizing ‍that some actions, such as raping women and beheading babies, are pure evil; ⁢and last but not least,​ since ⁤Champagne Marxists care more for the champagne than ideology, it is time to take away their champagne.

Why ‍do Champagne ‍Marxists refuse ⁣to condemn actual violence and ⁣terrorism, particularly by ​Hamas terrorists?

Order. They believe that any means necessary, including violence, is justified in their pursuit of social justice.

However, ​when ⁤it comes to condemning actual violence and terrorism, these Champagne Marxists​ suddenly become silent or even⁢ supportive. They refuse to acknowledge the atrocities committed‍ by Hamas terrorists, instead blaming Israel for the‌ violence. They host vigils ‌for the terrorists and shame the victims.

But their hypocrisy ‍has not gone unnoticed. Influential people, ⁤usually on‌ the political ‌left⁤ and supporters of these institutions, are‍ speaking out against their shocking response. ​Billionaire investor Bill Ackman and‌ major donors to ⁤universities⁣ are ‍withdrawing their support. Companies are⁢ rescinding ​job⁣ offers to students who support terrorism.

When their cushy jobs and financial future are at stake, these students and donors suddenly realize that⁢ supporting murderers and rapists is not worth it. They distance themselves from their organizations’ revolting statements and⁤ demand accountability. They ⁢call‌ for the removal of university ⁣presidents and ⁤board ⁢chairs who have failed to denounce ‌antisemitism and⁤ support for terrorists.

And when the‍ money​ stops flowing, the universities finally issue statements condemning terrorism and antisemitism. It turns out that ⁣neutrality was only possible when there were no consequences.

These ​Champagne Marxists, with their ‍one-dimensional⁢ worldview​ and willingness to support violence in the ⁤name of social justice, have revealed their true colors. They are not ⁢the champions of equality and justice they claim to be. They are hypocrites and ⁢opportunists, willing to‍ sacrifice their principles for personal ⁤gain.

It ⁤is time for ‍the rest of us to see them for⁣ who they ⁣really are and demand⁣ that our universities uphold the values they claim to stand for. We must support those who

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