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Biden’s Border Policy Is A Political Ad For President Trump 

The Southern Border Crisis: A ⁣Political⁣ Conundrum

Every day⁣ under Joe Biden’s administration serves as a subtle political advertisement tailored for Donald Trump. ⁤An exemplar of ‌this is the concerning⁣ state ⁣of America’s southern ​border.

Chaos at the Border: An Alarming Reality

The border stands vulnerable and ⁤exposed, lacking the essential presence of Border ‌Patrol agents in critical zones. Instead, these agents find themselves⁤ inundated with the task of processing illegal immigrants, inadvertently facilitating ‌their entry into the ⁣country.

On a recent Thursday,⁤ an‌ alarming incident unfolded⁣ at ‍the Texan border when approximately 300 illegal immigrants forcibly breached ⁢a⁣ section of the ​Texas State National⁤ Park’s border wire. This unruly group, primarily comprising⁤ young males,‍ engaged ‍in a confrontation with⁢ the Border Patrol.

Their audacious ⁤act saw them pushing past⁣ the border and swarming past ⁣the border wall, illustrating a blatant ‍disregard for established laws and⁤ security protocols.

A Nexus of Challenges: Cartels and Border Security

The ⁤current border dynamics are intricately tied to the undue influence‍ wielded⁢ by Mexican⁣ drug cartels over the illegal immigration influx. These cartels orchestrate the movement of⁣ every ‌illegal immigrant, dictating their drop-off points.

This modern scenario starkly contrasts with past decades where individuals or families braved the desert for‍ entry. Now, the cartels transport people directly to⁢ the border, strategically diverting Border Patrol resources and enabling massive fentanyl trafficking.

WATCH: The Divided States of Biden on DailyWire+

Biden’s Border Policy: Intentions ​and ⁢Ramifications

Joe Biden’s border policy, ⁢characterized ⁢by‍ an open-door approach, stems​ from three underlying motives:

  1. Economic considerations, ​aiming to sustain a low-wage underclass while boosting union interests.
  2. Strategic demographic shift, envisioning a ‍pathway to citizenship⁣ for ⁤future Democratic voters through marriage to citizens.
  3. Ideological beliefs questioning border legitimacy, advocating for⁣ borderless societies.

The dismantling of crucial border systems​ established by the⁤ previous administration ⁢has led to a⁤ massive surge of 7 to 10 million illegal ⁤entries under Biden’s ​tenure.

WATCH: The Ben ​Shapiro⁣ Show

Trump’s Perspective: A Strong Stance Against Border Crisis

Engaging with ⁢President Trump at a recent⁣ fundraiser, the stark contrast ⁣between his firm border ‌policies and Biden’s​ lax approach became evident. Trump views the border issue as a potent electoral advantage for​ Republicans, underscoring Biden’s mismanagement and its implications ⁢for the nation.

Biden’s perplexing shift towards⁣ the ‍far Left and dismissal of moderation by influenced advisers⁣ could jeopardize his electoral⁢ prospects. Ignoring the pragmatic ⁤middle ⁣ground in favor of extremist ‌ideologies might alienate crucial voter ‌segments.

Despite Biden’s base-election strategy, relying on Democratic turnout, historical precedents suggest the limitations of such an approach. The unique appeal⁢ and voter outreach tactics utilized by Obama in⁢ 2012 cannot be replicated effectively in subsequent elections.

The evolving political landscape, coupled with changing voting rules and practices, presents a complex scenario⁢ for future electoral outcomes.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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