Conservative News Daily

Biden claims he can win a lost red state, displaying delusion

The GOP representative dismisses Biden’s optimism about Florida’s national significance, mocking Biden’s claims considering Trump’s previous victories in the state. Biden’s cognitive struggles are⁢ evident, with his confusing statements ⁤and ⁢staged teleprompter reading. Despite Democratic plans to focus on abortion in Florida, DeSantis and polling data‌ indicate strong Republican support. The GOP representative undermines⁣ Biden’s optimism in Florida’s national importance, pointing out Trump’s ⁤past wins. Biden’s ‍cognitive challenges are apparent in his​ incoherent remarks⁤ and scripted teleprompter use. Despite​ Democratic intentions to emphasize ⁢abortion in Florida, support for Republicans, as seen through DeSantis and polls, remains ⁤robust.


By Michael Schwarz April 25, 2024 at 8:39am

President Joe Biden regularly confuses authoritarianism with democracy and men with women. Small wonder, therefore, that his adversarial relationship with reality would extend to electoral analysis.

Campaigning at the Dale Mabry campus of Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday, Biden referred to the Republican-dominated Sunshine State as “in play, nationally.”

GOP rep laughs off Biden’s optimism as president says Florida is in play nationally

— floridahillbilly (@FloridaHillbill) April 24, 2024

Former President Donald Trump twice defeated Democratic candidates in Florida, beating Biden in 2020 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

It was a strange assertion from the president in light of both history and available data, but we should not have expected otherwise.

After all, evidence for Biden’s divorce from reality and general cognitive decline has reached proportions too gargantuan to encapsulate.

For instance, during a speech at a North America’s Building Trades Unions conference in Washington on Wednesday, the president read every word from a teleprompter, including “pause.”

“Four more years. Pause,” Biden said with a confused look.

BIDEN, reading from his teleprompter: “Four more years? Pause?”

It’s all completely staged.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 24, 2024

Indeed, the president often appears to have no idea where he is or what is being said around him.

Thus, one appropriate epitaph for the Biden presidency, when it finally and mercifully ends, will have come from special counsel Robert Hur: “an elderly man with a poor memory.”

Biden’s obvious confusion notwithstanding, Democratic operatives do have a plan for Florida, albeit a sinister one, as usual.

His campaign visit to Tampa was focused on what he described as “a health care crisis for women all over this country.” As he spoke, the president was flanked by two signs that read, “Reproductive FREEDOM.” Above him, another sign read, “Restore ROE.”

Biden thinks twice about doing his vigorous little half-jog, decides against it, and shuffles away following his incoherent, slur-filled remarks in Florida

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 23, 2024

In other words, the Democratic Party plans to campaign on abortion and more abortion.

“It was Donald Trump who ripped away the rights of freedom of women in America,” Biden said in Tampa, claiming that “millions of women … are enduring unbearable pain and cruelty because of Donald Trump.”

As history condemns Democratic politicians for their defense of chattel slavery, it also must record their demonic crimes against the young women of modern America, whom they have deluded into false promises of happiness by persuading them to worship the self and to sacrifice their unborn children on the altar of convenience.

Alas, the message has born electoral fruit.

Do you think Florida will vote for Trump?

According to famed political analyst Michael Barone of the Washington Examiner, exit polling from the 2022 midterm elections showed that Republicans won by substantial margins among married men (59 percent to 39 percent), unmarried men (52 percent to 45 percent) and married women (56 percent to 42 percent).

Unmarried women, however, voted Democrat by a whopping 37-point margin, 68 percent to 31 percent.

The Biden campaign, therefore, will sell young Florida women more infanticide, solitude and spiritual emptiness masquerading as freedom and independence.

Happily, however, that message will almost certainly fail in the Sunshine State.

This month, for instance, GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida described his state as “off the board” for Democrats based on a surge in voter registration that has given Republicans a historic edge of nearly 900,000 voters, according to Fox News.

On Tuesday, the governor said Biden’s visit to his state to campaign on abortion would fail.

“Now he’s coming down to try to support a constitutional amendment that will mandate abortion up until the moment of birth, that will eliminate parental consent for minors, and that’s written in a way that’s intentionally designed to deceive voters,” he said.

“So all I can tell you is Floridians are not buying what Joe Biden is selling, and in November, we’re going to play an instrumental role in sending him back to Delaware where he belongs,” DeSantis said.

DESANTIS RESPONDS to @JoeBiden‘s expected speech on abortion in Florida today:

“Floridians are not buying what Joe Biden is selling, and in November, we’re going to play an instrumental role in sending him back to Delaware where he belongs.” –@GovRonDeSantis

— Bryan Griffin (@BryanDGriffin) April 23, 2024

Indeed, according to RealClearPolling, a pair of surveys released in the last two weeks have shown Trump with leads of 8 and 13 percentage points, respectively, over Biden head-to-head in Florida. With independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the mix, Trump’s 8-point lead grew to 10 points.

This raises a question about conventional wisdom, namely what pundits choose to call “swing,” “toss-up” or “battleground” states.

Note, for instance, the chyron in the following video from Fox News: “Soon: Biden Expected to Speak in Battleground FL.”

(Note, too, the raucous enthusiasm from a standing-room-only crowd featuring tens of Biden supporters.)

These dozen or so Biden supporters are going to take back Florida?

— @amuse (@amuse) April 23, 2024

If Florida amounts to a “battleground” state, then what about Minnesota, where a poll this month showed Biden with a narrow 2-point lead?

Or, what about Colorado, where the most recent polls showed Biden with much smaller leads than Trump’s current margins in Florida?

In short, the numbers suggest that Biden, as usual, had it wrong.

His party may continue to sell death, but he cannot plausibly characterize Florida as “in play.”

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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