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George W. Bush: Israel is not to blame

Former⁣ President George W. Bush Defends Israel Against Blame for Hamas Attacks

“It’s not going⁢ to​ take long for people [to say]: ‌’It’s going on too long. Surely, there’s a way to settle this through negotiations. Both sides are guilty,'” Bush said at a private California ‌event on Tuesday. “My⁤ view is: One side is ​guilty—and it’s not Israel.”

Bush passionately addressed commentators who unfairly blame Israel for the recent Hamas ⁤terrorist attacks, ‌which tragically claimed the lives of over 1,300⁢ Israeli ⁤citizens. He emphasized that both sides are not equally at ​fault and ‌that Israel should not⁢ be held​ responsible.

Clear Distinction⁣ Between Hamas​ and Israelis

Bush firmly drew a line​ between Hamas and Israelis, highlighting the⁣ brutal nature of the⁤ attacks. He condemned Hamas as “cold-blooded killers” who mercilessly targeted innocent civilians, including ‍babies. He acknowledged‍ that while excuses may be made for their actions, the​ truth‍ remains that⁤ they ⁣are responsible for the violence.

Trump Faces Criticism for Comments on Israel

Former⁣ President Donald⁣ Trump faced backlash this⁣ week‍ for his remarks​ regarding ​Israel. As the⁣ frontrunner for the Republican presidential ⁤nomination, ⁣he referred to Israel’s enemy, Hezbollah, as “smart” and criticized Prime Minister​ Benjamin Netanyahu for​ not being adequately ⁣prepared for the Hamas attack.

What‍ distinctions did Bush ​make⁢ between Hamas and Israelis in his defense of Israel?

Former President George W. Bush has come forward to defend Israel against unfair⁤ blame for ‍the recent‌ Hamas attacks. Speaking at a private event‌ in California, Bush‌ expressed his‍ belief that both sides cannot be considered equally‍ at fault, and made it clear that Israel should not ⁣be held responsible⁤ for ⁣the ongoing conflict.

Addressing commentators ​who​ have unjustly accused Israel, Bush‌ passionately emphasized the need to draw a clear distinction between Hamas​ and ​Israelis. He condemned Hamas ‍as “cold-blooded killers” who have ruthlessly targeted innocent civilians, ‌including‌ infants. While there​ may be attempts‌ to offer justifications⁢ for their actions, Bush stressed ⁤the ⁢truth ⁤that Hamas is ultimately responsible for the ⁤violence that has‍ taken place.

Interestingly, Bush’s defense of Israel comes at ​a time ⁤when former President Donald Trump faced⁢ criticism‍ for his comments on the matter. As​ the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump ⁢referred to Israel’s enemy, Hezbollah, as “smart” and criticized⁣ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for⁤ allegedly not being adequately prepared ‌for the Hamas attack.

Bush’s defense of Israel against blame⁤ for ⁢the Hamas attacks⁢ showcases the importance of distinguishing between‌ the perpetrators of violence and innocent civilians. By highlighting ⁣the brutal ‍nature of the attacks carried‌ out by Hamas, he underscores the need⁢ to hold those responsible accountable, rather than​ casting unfair blame on an⁣ entire nation. As ⁣the conflict continues, it is essential to promote understanding⁣ and work towards a resolution through​ peaceful negotiations rather ​than perpetuating a cycle ‍of unfounded accusations and‍ further violence.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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