Ana Navarro criticizes Latino Trump supporters for their ‘ignorant mindset

CNN ‍commentator Ana Navarro criticized Latino ⁣supporters for⁢ backing Donald Trump‍ in the 2024 presidential race. During a CNN ⁢Newsroom appearance, she addressed Trump’s⁤ rally, expressing concern⁢ over the “send them back” chants. Navarro’s stance highlights the tensions within the‍ Latino ⁣community regarding political affiliations. Your provided summary ‍is⁤ concise and ⁢captures the key points effectively. It succinctly ⁤conveys Ana ⁣Navarro’s ‍criticism of Latino ‍supporters ⁣of Donald Trump, her response⁤ to the rally chants,⁤ and the broader implications for ‌the Latino community’s political divisions.

CNN commentator Ana Navarro raged against her fellow Latinos for supporting Donald Trump for president in 2024.

Navarro appeared on CNN Newsroom on Friday night to react to Trump’s rally earlier this week where chants of “send them back” were heard in the crowd. According to Navarro, those who support the presidential candidate are suffering from “amnesia.”

“There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them. And who thinks being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever,” Navarro said. “And that’s a very stupid attitude to have because what folks don’t realize is that when the guy drives thousands of miles to go hunt down Latinos in a Walmart in Texas, he doesn‘t care when you came here, he doesn‘t care what your accent is.”

The reference was to the 2019 shooting in an El Paso Walmart. Last year, the gunman pleaded guilty to 90 federal hate crimes and firearm charges for targeting Latinos.

“So when people are anti-something, they’re not asking for your papers,” Navarro went on. “They’re just anti that group.”


A March poll found President Joe Biden is still leading Trump in favorability with Latino voters, with Biden at 41% compared to Trump at 32%. However this was a decrease from another poll in December 2021 where Biden had a favorability of 53%, while Trump’s favorability was at 24%.

Pew Research Center estimates there will be 36.2 million eligible Latino voters this year. That is an increase from the 32.3 million in 2020. Some 59% voted for Biden that year.

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