the federalist

Biden’s Border Security Weakened 65 Times Since Inauguration

President Joe Biden is excited to sign a Senate bill that claims‍ to​ “shut down the border right now.” However, the proposed $118 billion bill does not actually achieve this goal. It allocates more funds to other countries than to the U.S. border, with only a small portion set‌ aside for border security. This bill allows ⁢for thousands of daily crossings and unrestricted asylum, making it clear why Biden is eager⁤ to sign ⁣it immediately.

In a statement, Biden‌ expressed his readiness to secure the border.⁣ However, his border policies have resulted in an estimated 1.7 million ⁣unvetted individuals entering the United States. House​ Speaker Mike Johnson has highlighted 64 instances⁢ where Biden intentionally undermined border security, leading to⁢ a humanitarian and national security crisis.

Below is a list of the 64 infractions against the president, with the first six occurring on his first ⁢day in office:

  1. Jan. ⁢20,⁣ 2021, ​Biden halts⁣ border⁢ wall construction.
  2. Jan. 20, 2021, Biden expands the “illegal” Deferred Action ⁢for ​Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
  3. Jan. ⁤20, 2021, Biden endorses the U.S. Citizenship Act, granting U.S. citizenship to foreign ⁢lawbreakers.
  4. Jan. 20, 2021, Biden revokes⁤ Trump-era executive orders that enforced immigration laws.
  5. Jan. 20, 2021, Biden ends restrictions on immigration from terrorism-ridden countries.
  6. Jan. 20, 2021, Biden stops deportations for 100 days, effectively providing amnesty to criminals.
  7. Feb. 1, 2021, Biden’s ​Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implements a process to allow foreign law-breakers to remain in the U.S.
  8. Feb. 2, 2021, Biden signals the‌ end of the “Remain in Mexico” policy.
  9. Feb. 6, 2021, ⁤Biden administration begins terminating agreements for⁢ other⁣ countries to hold migrants making U.S. asylum claims.
  10. Feb. 2021,‌ Biden administration stops refusing to admit ‌illegal migrant children under Title 42.
  11. Feb⁢ 17, 2021, ⁢Biden’s CDC allows trafficked children to enter the U.S. freely under Title 42.
  12. Feb. 25, 2021, Biden administration ‌speeds up ‌the release of unaccompanied migrant children ‌into the U.S.
  13. March 2, 2021, Biden administration loses track of 20,000 illegally present foreign children.
  14. March 5, 2021, CDC ignores​ pandemic protocols to increase U.S. acceptance of custody for illegal migrant children.
  15. March 10, 2021, Biden reinstates parole⁢ programs for foreigners illegally present in the⁢ U.S.
  16. March 16, 2021, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announces a⁣ shift to “processing” illegal‌ immigrants instead of sending them home.
  17. March ⁢20, 2021, DHS begins allowing migrants into the ​U.S. without setting a court date.
  18. March 30, 2021, ⁤DHS expands detention capacity for unaccompanied migrant​ children.
  19. March 31, 2021, Biden administration erases⁣ background check requirements for adults living with ⁣trafficked migrant children.
  20. April 30, 2021, Biden cancels ⁢future border wall construction.
  21. June 15, 2021, Biden makes it easier for ⁤illegal migrants to bring family members into the U.S.
  22. June 16, 2021, Biden‍ administration allows people petitioning ​for asylum to ​bring family members.
  23. June 16, 2021, The Biden ⁢Administration expands categories for foreigners to petition for⁢ asylum.
  24. July 2021, Border Patrol releases at least 50,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. without ⁤court dates.
  25. Aug.‌ 5, 2021, Border Patrol approves alternatives to ⁣detention and parole, effectively ending deportation.
  26. Aug. 17, 2021, ‌DHS expands its policy of catch and release.
  27. Aug. 31,‍ 2021, Over 100,000 illegal immigrants released into ‌the​ U.S. since March 21 fail to check in with officials.
  28. Sept. 24, 2021, Biden falsely accuses border agents of “whipping⁤ migrants” in Texas.
  29. Sept. 30, 2021, DHS grants amnesty to millions of migrants by rolling back deportations.
  30. Fiscal Year ⁢2021, Federal grants⁣ reward cities encouraging illegal immigration.
  31. Oct. 8,⁣ 2021, DHS cancels more contracts for border wall construction.
  32. Oct. 12, 2021,‌ DHS suspends inspections of large worksites to discover ‌illegal migrants.
  33. Oct. 27, 2021, Mayorkas ‌suspends enforcement of immigration laws at various facilities.
  34. Oct. 29, 2021, ⁢Mayorkas terminates the⁣ “Remain​ in Mexico” program.
  35. Nov. 2021, Biden administration creates ‌new program for releasing illegal aliens into the U.S.
  36. Dec. 17, 2021, ICE encourages greater immigration of family units by reducing detention centers.
  37. Jan. 2022, ​Biden administration fails to vet Afghan refugees.
  38. Apr. 1, 2022, Biden ‍administration fights ‌to end Title 42 in court.
  39. Apr. 3, 2022, Biden administration‌ encourages prosecutors to stop filing cases for immigration court removals.
  40. Sept. 9, 2022, Biden eliminates curbs⁣ against foreign citizens receiving welfare benefits.
  41. Oct. 31, 2022, DHS expands DACA⁤ child trafficking program.
  42. Dec. ⁢13, 2022, Biden administration sues Arizona for border security efforts.
  43. Jan. 2023, Biden administration expands CBP One app for migrant entry.
  44. Jan. 6, 2023, Biden administration‌ expands migrant parole beyond legal limits.
  45. Feb. 25, 2023, Biden administration reportedly loses track of 85,000 trafficked migrant children.
  46. March ⁤2023: ‌ICE allows non-detailed foreign illegals to grow to 5.3 million.
  47. March ⁢25, 2023, Biden administration ​requests less funding for detention beds despite record border crossings.
  48. March 28, 2023, DHS ⁣inspector general finds misuse of pandemic funds for illegal immigrants.
  49. Apr. 13, 2023, Biden expands Obamacare benefits to DACA recipients.
  50. Apr. 27, 2023, Biden administration expands use of ​CBP One ⁣app and creates additional parole programs.
  51. Apr. 30, 2023, Biden administration reduces vetting of illegal migrants from China.
  52. May​ 5, 2023,‍ Border Patrol expands appointment capability on CBP One app.
  53. May 11, 2023, Biden officially⁣ terminates use of Title 42 expulsion authority.
  54. May 31, 2023, Biden​ administration ends DNA testing ⁢program ⁢to reduce‍ child⁤ trafficking.
  55. July 7, 2023, Biden administration expands parole programs for Central American countries.
  56. July 24, 2023, Biden‍ administration sues Texas to stop border security efforts.
  57. Aug. ‌10, 2023, Biden ⁤administration ‌demands⁢ funding for migrant welfare.
  58. Aug. 29, 2023, federal law enforcement searches for Uzbek migrants linked to ISIS released into the U.S.
  59. Aug. 2023, DHS transforms ICE into ⁣a social services agency.
  60. Sept. ⁢8, 2023,​ Biden administration seeks to delay adjudication of asylum claims.
  61. Oct. ⁣4, 2023, Biden administration allows strangers to take unaccompanied migrant children.
  62. Dec. 21, 2023, Biden administration counts 18-, 19-, and 20-year-old migrants as ‌”unaccompanied minors.”
  63. Dec. 28, 2023, Mexican government‌ discusses “regularizing” status of “Hispanic⁤ migrants who have been undocumented.”
  64. Jan. ⁣3, 2024, Biden administration sues Texas to prevent​ removal of illegal foreign migrants.

Mayorkas In The Crosshairs

House Republicans are‌ moving forward with⁣ impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas due to the Biden administration’s role in the border crisis. The House Homeland Security Committee has passed two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas for his refusal to comply with the law and breach⁣ of the public trust. Speaker Mike Johnson defends the impeachment vote, stating that desperate times call for desperate⁢ measures.

If impeached,⁣ Mayorkas would ⁢be the first presidential cabinet secretary to face a trial⁢ in the Senate since 1876. However, ‌it is worth noting that William Belknap, who served​ as war secretary‌ under President Ulysses S. Grant, was impeached but ultimately acquitted over a century ago.


How⁢ did the Biden administration’s policies contribute to​ the border crisis and the influx of unvetted individuals entering the country?

The Biden Administration’s Failure to Secure‍ the U.S. Border

President Joe Biden’s promise to secure⁤ the⁤ U.S. border has been proven to ⁤be‍ hollow, as his policies have resulted in a significant influx of unvetted individuals entering the country. House Speaker Mike Johnson has outlined 64 instances where Biden intentionally undermined border‍ security,⁤ leading to ​a humanitarian and national security crisis.

On his ⁢first day in⁣ office,​ Biden halted border wall⁣ construction, expanded the Deferred Action‍ for ‍Childhood​ Arrivals (DACA) program, endorsed the U.S. Citizenship Act granting ⁤U.S. citizenship to foreign ⁤lawbreakers, and ⁤revoked Trump-era executive orders that enforced immigration laws. Additionally, he ended restrictions on‌ immigration from ​terrorism-ridden countries and stopped deportations for ⁤100 days, effectively providing⁢ amnesty ⁢to criminals. ⁢These actions set the tone for ​the rest of his presidency, with the disregard for border security apparent from the start.

In February 2021, the Biden⁤ administration implemented a process to allow ⁣foreign lawbreakers⁤ to remain in​ the U.S.,⁢ signaling a shift in priorities. They also announced the end of the “Remain in Mexico” policy and began terminating agreements for ‌other countries to hold migrants making U.S. asylum claims. Furthermore, they stopped refusing to ​admit illegal migrant children under Title 42 ‍and allowed ​trafficked children to enter the ‍country freely under the⁣ same policy.

The border crisis continued ⁢to worsen in the following months, with the⁣ Biden administration speeding up the ⁤release of unaccompanied migrant children into the ​U.S. It was also revealed that they had lost track of ​20,000 illegally present foreign ⁤children and ignored pandemic protocols​ to increase ‍acceptance of custody for illegal migrant children.

In March⁣ 2021, the‍ administration‍ reinstated parole programs for ​foreigners illegally present in ‍the U.S., and the​ Department of Homeland⁣ Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced a shift to “processing” illegal immigrants instead of sending them home. They also began allowing migrants‍ into the⁤ U.S. without setting a court date and expanded detention capacity for unaccompanied migrant children.

These actions were followed by the⁤ erasure‌ of background check ⁤requirements for adults living with trafficked migrant children and ⁣the cancellation of future border wall construction. ⁤Biden also made it easier for illegal migrants to bring family members ​into the U.S. and expanded categories for foreigners to ​petition for​ asylum. Border ​Patrol released at least 50,000 illegal⁣ immigrants into the U.S. without court dates, and alternatives to detention and parole were approved, effectively ending deportation.

As⁢ the border crisis continued‌ to escalate, the administration expanded its policy of catch and release, and⁤ over 100,000 illegal immigrants released since​ March 2021 failed to check in with officials. Furthermore, Biden falsely accused ‍border agents of “whipping migrants” in Texas, and DHS ⁢granted amnesty to ‍millions of migrants by⁣ rolling back deportations.

Throughout fiscal year 2021, federal grants rewarded cities encouraging illegal immigration,⁢ and contracts for border wall⁢ construction were canceled.⁣ Inspections of ⁢large worksites to discover illegal migrants were suspended, and enforcement of immigration laws at various facilities was also ⁤halted.

In ⁣October 2021, Mayorkas⁢ terminated the “Remain in‍ Mexico” program,⁤ and the ​Biden administration created⁣ a new program for releasing illegal aliens ⁣into‌ the U.S. ICE encouraged greater immigration of family units by reducing detention centers,​ and Afghan refugees were not properly vetted upon entry into the ⁤country.

The ‌administration‌ fought to ⁣end Title 42 in court⁢ and encouraged prosecutors​ to stop filing cases for immigration court removals. Curbs against foreign citizens receiving ⁢welfare benefits were eliminated, and the DACA child trafficking program ⁤was expanded.

In December 2022, the administration​ sued Arizona for its border ‌security ‌efforts, and in January 2023, they expanded the CBP One ⁤app for migrant entry. Migrant parole was ⁤expanded beyond legal ⁣limits, and it ⁢was reported ⁤that 85,000⁢ trafficked migrant children were lost. ‌ICE allowed non-detailed foreign ​illegals to grow to 5.3⁣ million, and despite⁤ record border crossings, ⁢funding for detention beds​ was requested to be reduced.

The DHS inspector ‍general found the⁣ misuse of⁣ pandemic funds for illegal immigrants, and Obamacare benefits were expanded to DACA recipients. ​The use ⁣of the CBP One app was⁢ expanded,‍ additional parole programs were ‍created, ‌and vetting of illegal migrants from China was​ reduced. Border Patrol also expanded‌ appointment capability ⁣on the app.

Finally, the Biden administration⁣ officially terminated the use​ of Title 42 expulsion authority, ended the DNA ⁤testing program to reduce child trafficking, and expanded parole programs for‌ Central American​ countries.

With each of these instances, it‌ becomes clear that the Biden administration’s border policies have not achieved ‍the goal of securing the U.S. border. The disregard for immigration laws and the prioritization of foreign lawbreakers over the safety and security⁣ of‍ American citizens is alarming. It is ⁢crucial for‍ the U.S. government to address these issues urgently and take concrete steps to ensure border security and protect⁢ the sovereignty of⁤ the nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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