Washington Examiner

Biden opposes Schools Not Shelters immigration bill.

President Biden ⁣Opposes Schools ​Not Shelters Act

President ​Joe ⁣Biden ‌made a significant announcement‌ on⁤ Wednesday, expressing his ​opposition to the Schools ⁤Not‌ Shelters Act, ⁤an immigration bill ⁢that aims⁤ to‌ prevent the ⁤use of ⁤public schools⁤ as ⁢shelters for ​immigrants.

“The ⁣administration is ​strongly opposed to H.R. 3941, the ​Schools‌ Not⁣ Shelters Act of ‌2023, ‌which‌ would⁣ supersede local control, interfering with the ‌ability ‌of ⁤states and ‌municipalities to⁣ effectively⁣ govern⁢ and make‍ decisions about their ‌school buildings,”

The White‍ House ⁤issued a statement ​of​ administration⁣ policy, emphasizing that ⁣the bill‍ represents federal⁤ overreach.​ The statement highlights concerns ‍about the‍ bill’s⁣ impact ⁣on the ​autonomy of⁣ states ‍and municipalities in managing ‍their ⁤school ‌facilities.

The ​proposed ‍legislation ‍would ⁣prohibit⁤ educational ⁤institutions‍ that‍ receive federal ⁢funding​ from ⁤utilizing their facilities ⁤to shelter ‍noncitizens, despite ‍the fact that current⁣ laws ‍permit ⁢such⁢ usage.

It is ​worth noting‍ that⁣ the ⁣statement⁢ does not include a ⁢veto⁣ threat. ‌However, the bill ⁣faces significant challenges in passing ⁣through ​the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Supporters of⁣ the bill‍ argue that⁤ it prioritizes ⁢the ​safety of young⁤ students. Representative ⁣John Rose ⁤(R-TN)‌ voiced⁤ his support for the bill, ⁢stating,​ “By⁢ housing illegal immigrants on⁢ school ⁢campuses, children ⁢are being put at risk. ​And‍ elected officials ⁤who endorse these plans⁤ are sending a⁣ clear message to children and parents⁣ that illegal ​immigrants and ⁢President ⁣Biden’s failure to secure‌ the southern ‌border⁢ matter more than their⁣ education.”

According ⁢to Rose, over ​5.5 million ​illegal ‌immigrants ‍have crossed⁢ the ‌border‍ since Biden‍ assumed⁤ office.⁤ He⁣ called‍ for the continuation​ of border wall‌ construction ‌and the ‍reinstatement of ⁤the‍ Remain⁤ in Mexico ⁣program.

“But just⁢ like we’ve ⁢seen with Bidenomics, Biden-gration has completely⁢ failed⁤ the American ‍people,” he ⁢concluded.

Click ‌here ⁢to read more ⁣from ⁢The Washington⁢ Examiner.

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