Washington Examiner

Trump suggests that the GOP primary debate could potentially assist him in selecting a running mate, stating, “Let them debate.”

Former President Donald Trump Considers Running‌ Mate for 2024 Presidential Election

Former President ⁢Donald⁣ Trump is keeping a close eye on the⁣ upcoming Republican presidential debate in August, as it may help him decide who will be his running ⁢mate for the 2024 presidential election. As the front-runner in the GOP primary, Trump’s participation in ​the debate is still uncertain, despite being scheduled⁣ to take ⁤place in ⁤under four weeks.

“Let them‍ debate so I can see who I MIGHT consider for Vice President!”

While Trump’s attendance‌ remains ‍uncertain, other Republican candidates such as Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley have confirmed ⁤their participation in the Republican debate, set ⁣to ‌be held‍ in Milwaukee,⁢ Wisconsin, on Aug. 23. Trump’s previous running mate⁢ in 2016⁢ and 2020, Mike Pence,⁢ has not yet met the RNC’s requirements for the debate, but he expressed his‍ intention ‌to qualify.

However, there is growing skepticism surrounding Trump’s potential attendance. In a recent interview on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures with Maria​ Bartiromo, the former president openly questioned the necessity of participating in a debate when he holds ‌a significant lead over his Republican primary ⁤competitors.

“You’re leading by 50 and 60 points, you say.‌ Why would you be doing a debate? Why would you let⁢ somebody ‌that’s at zero or one or two or three [percent] be popping you with questions?”

According to polling⁣ data,⁢ Trump maintains ⁤a commanding ⁣lead over the⁤ Republican primary field, with only DeSantis coming somewhat ⁢close behind him. The RealClearPolitics‌ polling average shows Trump with 54% support, while DeSantis trails with 18.3%. No other candidate ⁣has garnered ⁢more than 5% support.

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