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Trump hints at potential 2024 running mate from GOP rivals.

Former ⁢President Trump Considers Primary ⁣Opponents for Vice⁣ President ⁣or ⁣Cabinet

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In an engaging interview ⁣on‌ “Sunday ⁣Morning Futures” on Fox News, former President Trump revealed that if ⁢he wins the ​White House in‍ 2024, ​he might choose one of his primary opponents as his running mate or a member of his cabinet.

When asked about the possibility‌ of ‍his running mate‍ coming from the Republican 2024 ⁣primary,‌ Trump responded, “Possibly.” He mentioned businessman⁣ Vivek Ramaswamy and ⁣Senator Tim ‌Scott (R-S.C.) as‍ potential ‍candidates.

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“I​ think Vivek has done a very good job, frankly.‍ I⁣ think some others have ‍done ⁢a good ⁣job,” the former president said. “You ‍have⁢ some good ​people on the stage ‌actually.​ I ‌think you have some very⁢ talented people. I’ve been ‌impressed by some of them. Some⁣ of them ⁣I’m very friendly with, actually.”

Trump also expressed‍ his ⁢belief that there are⁢ potential talented individuals ​for‍ his cabinet, without providing ⁣specific ⁣names.

Regarding⁢ Senator Tim Scott, Trump⁢ had high praise, saying, “I think⁣ he’s a very good guy. We did opportunity zones⁢ together…⁢ Tim is ‌very⁢ good.⁤ I ‍mean, ‍I could see ⁣Tim ⁣doing ‌something with the administration, but he’s right now campaigning, and⁢ I’m sure Tim and everybody else ⁤would say‌ I’m ⁢only interested in ‌one,⁤ but‍ Tim is a ⁢very talented guy and you have ​other ⁤very ⁣talented people.”

Notably, ⁤Trump was‌ not‍ asked about former Vice President Mike Pence,‌ who‌ recently entered the⁢ race.‍ Trump has been critical⁣ of Pence in the past for ⁣his ⁢actions⁣ during the Joint Session‍ of Congress​ on Jan. 6.

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Despite the widening GOP 2024⁢ field, Trump remains ⁢the clear frontrunner. ⁢According to ⁣a Morning Consult poll, he holds ⁣56 ‌percent support, a⁣ significant ‌39 percentage‌ points ahead of Ron⁤ DeSantis, who ⁣stands at‌ 17⁤ percent.

Vivek Ramaswamy has seen an⁢ increase in support in recent weeks,​ polling at 8 percent. Mike Pence ​follows closely with 7 percent support.

A RealClearPolitics ‍average shows Trump‌ leading with⁢ 53 ⁢percent support, ahead ​of​ DeSantis by about 33 points.

Meanwhile,⁤ Governor DeSantis has mentioned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds as a potential running ⁢mate, following‍ Trump’s⁢ criticism of him⁤ for perceived disloyalty.

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