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Zachary Levi’s Pfizer Hot Take Is A Total Nontroversy

It’s no secret Hollywood’s leftist media sphere doesn’t tolerate difference of opinion. For stars like Zachary Levi, truth seems to matter more than how the media reacts.

Sunday will be the “Shazam!” Actor quoted tweet from Lyndon Wood, CEO of Moorhouse Group. He asked his followers if they were in agreement. “that Pfizer is a real danger to the world.” In his response to Wood’s query, Levi replied, “Hardcore agree” I issued a follow up post with a link and a copy of a 2009 Press release Pfizer has been ordered by the Justice Department to pay $2.3 Billion “to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products.”

“Just one example of what I’m referring to,” Levi stated.

Leftists are predictable. “journalists” couldn’t accept Levi’s criticism of their Big Pharma idol and have worked overtime to smear the actor. She is unable to control her seeming compulsive urge to write. entire article A.V. Mary Kate Carr, Club writer, speculated on whether Levi is “anti-vaccination,” While Levi was still alive, you can write that. “has not specifically made anti-vaccine statements … he has also not, as of this writing, affirmed support for vaccines.”

“This is a lot to digest about the guy from Shazam!, and that’s not even the end of it. Sadly, after the Pfizer tweets, Levi also revealed that his father had died ‘a few days ago’ after a long cancer battle,” Carr wrote. “This undoubtedly complicates his decision to wade into the discourse, but the damage to his reputation has already been done.”

The Daily Beast’s Helen Holmes took her distaste for Levi’s tweets in a slightly different direction, using the opportunity to rehash every moment of the actor’s career that doesn’t comport with her obvious left-wing views.

“The Levi-Pfizer controversy has also had many people resurfacing a clip of the actor on The Joe Rogan Experience and expressing his admiration for Jordan Peterson, the right-wing, all-meat-diet-obsessed self-help guru,” Holmes penned. She also mentioned previous statements and actions that Levi had made, which normal Americans would describe as rational. These included his call for political unity as well as being interviewed on Christian Broadcasting Network.

Other actors attacked for daring to step out of line with Hollywood’s Big Pharma fanaticism include Marvel stars Evangeline Lilly And Letitia Frank.

Pfizer’s Track Record

The left’s outrage doesn’t diminish the validity of Levi’s criticism of the pharmaceutical giant. Pfizer proved itself to be a highly dishonest company that is not worthy of the public trust, as Americans saw during the Covid pandemic.

Despite being Marketing as a way to prevent infection, Pfizer’s Covid jabs have been incapable of stopping the transmission of the respiratory virus. Furthermore, the company’s Claim As a result, the safety of experimental shots has been questioned. Medical studies documenting an increased risk of cardiovascular-related problems among those who received the jabs have emerged.

But Pfizer’s unethical behavior doesn’t stop there. Project Veritas, an investigative outlet, released footage last week showing an alleged Pfizer employee.

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