WSJ Poll: Hispanic Voters Evenly Split Between Parties

Hispanic voters are now evenly divided between voting for the Democrat or Republican candidates in an election, according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll.

The poll showed that 37 percent of Hispanic voters would vote for the Republican congressional candidate in the upcoming midterm election. In comparison, 37 percent would vote for the Democrat congressional candidate. When the entire sample size of adults was asked, 44 percent said they would vote for the Republican candidate, while a lesser number, 41 percent, said they would vote for the Democrat.

Additionally, when Hispanic voters were asked who they would vote for in the 2024 presidential election, there was more of a divide if it was held today. Forty-three percent of Hispanic voter respondents said they would vote for former President Donald Trump, while 44 percent said President Joe Biden. When the entire sample size of adults was asked, 45 percent said they would vote Trump while 46 percent said they would vote for the Biden.

“Hispanic voters account for about 1 in 8 eligible voters and are one of the fastest-growing groups in the electorate, factors that compound Democratic fears about any deterioration in support,” WSJ explained. While Hispanic voters are becoming more and more swing voters, AP VoteCast revealed that Republican Gov-elect Glenn Youngkin won the election last month in Virginia by outpacing his Democrat opponent among Hispanic voters.

Overall, 54 percent of Hispanic voters disapprove of Biden’s job as president, compared to a lesser number, 42 percent, who approve of Biden. When you compare those numbers to the total sample size of adults, 57 percent disapprove of Biden’s job as president, and an even lesser number, 41 percent, approve of Biden.

A spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) said, “Hispanic voters are moving toward the Republican Party because Democrats’ reckless spending caused a massive inflation crisis.”

“The nation’s large and diverse group… is showing signs of dividing its support between Democrats and Republicans more evenly than in recent elections,” the WSJ analysis of the poll further explained.

The result of this poll is “a troubling development for the Democratic Party, which has long counted on outsize Hispanic support.”

The WSJ poll was conducted between ALG Research and Fabrizio, Lee & Associates. The two firms surveyed 1,500 registered voters from November 16 to 22. The margin of error given for the entire sample was +/- 2.5 percentage points. The margin of error for Hispanic voters is +/– 7.6 percentage points.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.

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