Washington Examiner

Wisconsin Supreme Court justice inaugurated, flipping court control.

Justice Janet ‍Protasiewicz Sworn ⁢In, ⁤Flipping Wisconsin Supreme Court to Democratic Control

Justice Janet ⁤Protasiewicz’s swearing-in ceremony as the latest judge on the‍ Wisconsin Supreme ‍Court on Tuesday marked a significant achievement‌ for Wisconsin Democrats. For ‌the first ⁣time in​ 15 years, the state Supreme Court has shifted to Democratic control.

Protasiewicz campaigned on crucial issues such⁣ as abortion rights and criticizing the Republican-drawn redistricting maps. Her victory puts an end to the conservative hold on⁣ the court, as she replaces retiring conservative‍ Justice Pat Roggensack, who served on the court for 20 years, including six as chief justice. A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice’s term is 10⁤ years.

Commitment to Protecting Freedoms and Ensuring Equal Justice

“We all want ​a Wisconsin​ where our freedoms are⁢ protected,” Protasiewicz emphasized during the ceremony. ‌”We want a Wisconsin with a fair and impartial Supreme Court. ⁤We all want to live in communities that are safe. And we all want a Wisconsin where everyone is afforded equal justice under the law.”

Under ⁢conservative leadership, the ⁢court came close‍ to overturning President Joe Biden’s slim victory in the state in 2020. However, even without Wisconsin’s⁢ 10 ​electoral votes, Biden would have still secured the election with enough electoral college votes.

Anticipated Challenges and Pending Cases

Heading into the 2024 ⁣election cycle, challenges to the ⁣state’s abortion ban, Republican-drawn congressional district maps, and ‌voting rules are expected. The court already has a pending case challenging a pre-Civil War era abortion ban, and a new lawsuit challenging the Republican-drawn congressional district maps‌ is anticipated ⁢to be filed in the coming ‌weeks.

Protasiewicz, a former circuit court judge, defeated her conservative opponent Dan Kelly in April. Prior to her judicial career, she spent 25 years⁤ as a prosecutor in the Milwaukee‌ County District Attorney’s Office.

“All of those long hours⁤ led to an incredible opportunity to see our judicial system ⁣up close, and it allowed me to⁤ see what I believe is universal,” Protasiewicz shared on Tuesday. “And that ⁣is everyone should get a​ fair shot to demand justice and not feel like the thumb is on the scale against them.”

Although the court is officially ⁣considered nonpartisan, the three other “liberal” justices on ‌the court consist of Justices Ann Walsh Bradley, Rebecca Dallet, and Jill Karofsky.

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