the federalist

William Penn endures the left’s attack on beauty, memory, and American identity

The left’s crusade against statues and public⁢ memorials has encountered​ a roadblock. After removing ‍statues of Gen. Robert ​E. ⁢Lee, ‌President Theodore ‌Roosevelt, Christopher Columbus, and the ⁣Confederate Memorial at⁤ Arlington, a New ‍York‍ Times columnist⁤ even suggested that the father of our country be ripped off like a filthy Band-Aid and ‍tossed.⁢ But it was the founder⁢ of Pennsylvania, William ​Penn, who resisted and won.

The⁢ National Park⁣ Service⁣ planned ​to remove Penn’s statue in Philadelphia’s Welcome Park to⁤ make it more “inclusive.” The proposal⁢ sparked⁤ enough outrage that Pennsylvania Gov. Josh‍ Shapiro‌ reversed​ track. He took credit for convincing⁤ the Biden administration to leave the venerable founder alone,⁣ at⁣ least for ‌the moment.

Why Target William Penn?

It’s a definite win, but‍ it needs ‍to wake ‍conservatives into asking the fundamental question: Why do leftists want to remove ​Penn’s statue? While Penn owned slaves, he transplanted the Quaker faith ‌to the​ New World, planted the seed of abolition in⁢ the Americas, and arguably set the stage​ for the entire Anglo world to outlaw the institution.

There’s⁤ also​ the fact that‍ Penn is just not that well known. Given what education levels are today, it ⁣would be surprising‍ if‌ even 50 percent‍ of Philadelphians under⁣ 45 years old knew ‍who he was or ⁤could pick out his⁤ statue from those⁢ of Thomas Jefferson‍ or Daniel Boone. These are people, ⁣after all, ⁢who don’t know we fought‌ the British in the Revolution and⁢ cannot say when⁤ the Declaration ⁤of Independence was signed. How could forgotten, currently meaningless William Penn be such a⁤ racist, white supremacist threat that he had to​ be memory-holed?

Of course, he​ isn’t ​a racist,​ white supremacist threat. That’s the​ unmasked reality. For the longest time, the right has‌ made the crippling ⁣mistake ⁣of ⁣taking the left at its word.

When it says Confederate⁤ memorials — even ones of forgotten, common soldiers and widowed mothers made childless by the war ‍— have to be pulled down because they’re salt in the still-festering, spiritual wounds of black Americans, we twist ourselves into pretzels⁤ to explain why these hundred-plus-year-old memorials have to be chucked in mothballs. When ‌it claims the ‌revolution was entirely about protecting slavery and that slaves ‌created American democracy, ⁤our knee-jerk reaction is to treat it like an academic conference and not the‌ deranged fairy tale it is. It never occurs⁢ to us that the destruction is the point.

Ideas Won’t‌ Win on⁤ Their Own

In⁤ the case of statues, the left has remembered ​the vital necessity of physical⁣ environments. The mantra that “America is an​ idea” ⁣is a product of ⁤the Cold War. In that context, ‍it made sense. ​International communism was a philosophical system, never mind ⁤its Titanic-sized Swiss-cheese ‌holes, and it called‍ for an oppositional philosophy. The problem‌ is that it was too successful. It helped‌ defeat the USSR, but⁢ it also convinced us ⁢that only ideas matter.

As long as the right ideas were allowed to have their say,⁣ the truth ⁤would win⁤ out,⁤ the right policies ⁤would be implemented, and the⁢ right people elected to office. In this unbalanced emphasis on ⁤ideas,⁤ we ‌have set aside places as unimportant. ⁣What ⁢does it matter if ⁤the school building is beautiful or not as long as reading, ⁢writing, and arithmetic are properly ⁤taught? ‌What does it matter ‌if‌ the ​office ⁣is a prison block or not if the ‌employees ​work just as efficiently ⁣either ​way?

It matters a good deal, as it turns out. We are ⁤not angels but live in⁤ bodies, so our⁤ physical environments are ⁣vitally important. Study after study ⁣has shown that our happiness depends on our ecosystems.

The Left Hates Beauty

We know, for​ example, ‍that the hippocampal region of ⁣our brains is ‌wired for the ‍geometry and layouts of the spaces we live in. This means‍ that‍ the design of towns, cities, and buildings ⁢affects our ⁢overall psychology. We also ⁢know that ⁢beauty ⁤is not something extra we ​can ‍digest when we have a ‌few spare ⁣minutes. ⁣ It is ⁣vital ⁢for our well-being. That’s ​why the designers ⁤and builders of Art Deco strove to make buildings as beautiful as possible in​ the 1920s ⁤and 1930s.​ And it’s the same reason why classical architecture was the American style⁣ of ‍choice ‌from 1790 to 1950. Beauty​ matters.

The statues‌ and memorials the left hates ⁤are beautiful.‌ Google images of Moses​ Jacob Ezekiel’s⁢ memorial ⁤to the Confederacy’s dead, Leo Lentelli’s equestrian ⁢statue of Robert⁤ E. Lee, or‍ James Earle ⁣Fraser’s horse-mounted statue of Theodore Roosevelt and see for yourself. ⁣That they⁢ were beautiful was reason enough for the left to rip them up. As a transcendental essence, it’s a natural enemy of the collective.

But statues⁢ and‍ memorials offer more than‌ beauty.⁢ Arthur Weigall, an‍ early‍ 20th-century Egyptologist, once quipped that the archaeologist’s goal was to bring the​ dead to life. Statues and memorials do the same, like all​ physical things do. It’s ‍one⁣ thing to read about Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, ⁤but it’s ⁣another⁤ thing to see their faces ‌etched in marble, ‍Lee’s ceremonial sword, ⁢or the little sitting room in​ which the South’s surrender took place. It’s the same ‍reason why, with departed loved ⁤ones, we don’t just⁣ feed the coals of their ⁤lives⁤ with words but keep their pictures.

Honoring the Dead Brings‍ Them to Life

Bringing our ‍national past to life imperils the left because our dead founders, explorers, soldiers, pioneers, artists, and writers are not just ​dead figures. In the famous Funeral Oration, the Athenian general, Pericles, ​told the Athenians ⁢that the dead they mourned ​were more than just dead heroes. “For in magnifying the city I have magnified them, and men like them whose virtues made her glorious.”

The dead had‌ become an integral part of the polis, and the polis was​ now part of them because the dead esteemed “courage ⁤to be freedom and freedom to be ⁤happiness.” The virtue ⁤with which they lived, ⁢which allowed them ⁤to put​ everything on the line for their country and to ‌pay the ⁢ultimate‌ price for her, had made them greater than ​just mortals.⁢ The Athenians ⁣were to fix their eyes on the heroes and their ​deeds and strive to mimic their examples.

In the same way, George Washington, ‌Abraham Lincoln, ​Lee, Grant, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Boone, Davy Crockett, John Adams, and even Kate Smith and Stephen Foster are all the faces of the‍ United States.⁢ Because of their actions, their⁣ sacrifices, their virtues, and their artistry, they helped make our country ⁤what it used to be.

They all ⁣labored to⁢ build​ up the walls ​and keep the lights burning and ‍the ‍reflection mirrors polished for John Winthrop’s city on a hill. Their statues are a testament to their lives, a reminder of what they accomplished,‌ and​ a challenge to us. Even more importantly, they remind us of who we are as an American people, a people ‍that stretches from 1607 ⁢to the present. These physical markers of our shared past help ⁤to bind us together,‍ gluing us to history and the ‌promise of future generations.

The left cannot tolerate these physical‌ reminders,‌ so its soldiers lurch out of bed⁤ every ⁢morning to destroy our ‌country’s body and spirit. They must erase everything thwarting that ​goal. The ⁣left⁣ knows ‌it cannot eradicate all its⁣ enemies, so it ⁣pushes to​ physically ​change our environments, ‌knowing that if ‍it changes the ecosystem, ​the life⁣ within it will have to change ⁤too. It’s‌ simple biology.⁢ We ‌won’t all become blue-haired freaks bellowing, “From the river⁣ to‍ the ⁤sea!” But enough of us will become lumps​ of mush instead of grizzly bears to make resistance useless. That’s a fate worse ⁣than a purge.

What ‍is the significance of statues and memorials in preserving our history and values, and why do they pose a challenge to the ‌left’s narrative?

Onored.” The left rejects this connection. It rejects the‌ belief that‍ the dead can still influence the living, that their ‍legacy⁤ can shape our present and future. ⁢To the left, the dead are relics of an oppressive past, and their memories must be erased.

This is ‍why statues and memorials are ‌targeted. ⁤They serve as physical reminders of our history, our heritage, and our‌ values. They‍ tell the stories of those who came before us, of the struggles they faced, and the triumphs they achieved. They remind us of our ​shared identity and the principles that bind us together as a nation.

But to the left, these reminders are dangerous. They challenge their ‍narrative, their vision of a radically transformed society. They cannot allow the existence of statues and memorials that elevate individuals⁣ who do not fit into their narrow worldview.⁣ They‍ must be‍ torn down, ⁤erased from‌ public view, and replaced with symbols that conform to their agenda.

In their ​pursuit of this​ agenda, the left has waged a campaign to redefine our history, to cast our founding fathers as villains, and to rewrite the story ⁤of our nation. They have distorted the⁢ truth, cherry-picking facts to support ⁤their narrative⁢ and ignoring those that do not. They have weaponized​ our history, using it as a tool to divide us and to undermine the principles that have made America great.

But we cannot allow them to succeed. We must resist⁤ their efforts to erase our ‌history, to whitewash our past, and to silence the voices of our‌ ancestors. We must stand up for our statues and memorials, ⁣for they are not just lifeless objects but living connections to our past. They represent the sacrifices, the achievements, and ⁢the ideals of those who came before us.

So let us celebrate our statues and memorials, not just for their beauty but for the stories they tell. Let us‍ honor the dead by ⁢keeping their memories alive, ⁢by preserving their legacies, and by passing on their wisdom to future generations. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to the principles that have guided us ⁣for centuries and ensure that‍ our history, our heritage, and our values will endure.

The left may​ have encountered a roadblock in their crusade against statues and memorials, ​but the fight is far from over. We must remain vigilant, resilient, and united in defending our⁢ history. We must recognize that the destruction of statues is ‍not an isolated incident but part of ‍a ⁣larger agenda to reshape⁣ our society.

We must reject ‍this agenda and affirm our‍ belief in the importance of our history, our culture, and our shared identity. We must honor the dead by bringing ‌them to life, by acknowledging​ their contributions, and ⁤by continuing their work. And we must ensure that‍ our statues and memorials stand as ⁤testaments to ‌the enduring legacy of our⁤ nation and⁣ the ideals for which it stands.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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