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Why Is Biden Pushing A Gay Agenda On Foreign Nations?

President Joe Biden wants everyone in America to know he supports the LGBTQ community.

And that’s fine. Don’t agree with him, don’t vote for him.

But why is Biden pushing that same agenda on nations around the world?

The U.S. government recently announced it would be sending its envoy for LGBTQ rights to Indonesia.

Jessica Stern, Washington’s special envoy to advance the rights of LGBTQ people, was scheduled to visit Indonesia on December 7, following stops in Vietnam and the Philippines, the State Department had said on November 28.

But the top clerical body in the world’s largest Muslim-majority country denounced the scheduled visit by the LGBTQ rights envoy, saying it would not welcome a visitor “whose intention is to undermine our nation’s cultural and religious values.”


The Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) Deputy Chairman Anwar Abbas said the organization “categorically rejects the visit by the special envoy,” Benar News reported.

The MUI “cannot welcome a guest whose purpose in coming here is to damage and undermine the noble religious and cultural values ​​of our nation,” Anwar said. “If this behavior is tolerated, it will lead to humanity’s extinction, because if men marry men and women marry women, they will not reproduce.”

Let’s pause here. Americans are, by and large, accepting of homosexuality. Some 72% of Americans say so, according to a 2020 poll by Pew Research.

But America is not the world. That same poll found only 9% of Indonesians agree homosexuality “should be accepted by society.”

So why should we fly into their country and push LGBTQ rights? Why should Biden send officials to other countries — officials who represent America — and try to be divisive over the issue?

Earlier this week, the U.S. government canceled Stern’s trip to Indonesia.

“[A]fter discussions with our counterparts in the Indonesian government, we have decided to cancel Special Envoy Stern’s visit to Indonesia,” Ambassador Sung Kim said in a statement on Friday.

“Knowing that around the world LGBTQI+ persons experience disproportionate levels of violence and discrimination, it is important to continue the dialogue and ensure mutual respect for one another, rather than pretending that the issues do not exist,” he said.

Sure, for Indonesians. That’s their dialogue to have, not ours.

For instance, Indonesia on Tuesday approved a new criminal code to prohibit anyone in the country from having sex outside marriage. The law takes effect in 2025 and will apply to residents and foreigners residing in Indonesia, along with tourists visiting destinations such as Bali.

Under the new code, extramarital sex will carry a jail term of up to a year, unmarried couples living together could be jailed for up to six months, and adultery will also be a jailable offense.

That has prompted widespread protests across the country. And that’s fine — but it’s none of our business. Imagine if Indonesia sent an envoy to the U.S. to preach jail time for people who have sex outside of marriage.

We do a lot of things right in America, but plenty of things wrong, too. But either way, we ought not to be proselytizing in foreign countries, pushing them to accept homosexuality. That’s their business.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Joseph Curl has covered politics for 35 years, including 12 years as White House correspondent for a national newspaper. He was also the a.m. editor of the Drudge Report for four years. Send tips to [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @josephcurl.

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