the federalist

Why is a ‘Banned Books’ tour distributing titles available for overnight delivery on Amazon?

The⁣ American Library Association has thrown its support behind two ​exciting “banned books” ​tours organized by Penguin Random House and The New Republic. These ‍tours are a ​response to the efforts by parents and red ⁤states ‍to remove⁢ inappropriate books from children’s shelves and classrooms. In celebration of #BannedBooksWeek, the bookmobiles are hitting the road to distribute copies of‍ these books in the most affected communities. But here’s the twist: anyone anywhere in the country can buy these “banned” books.

One ⁢of these self-described “bold new ⁢initiatives to combat censorship and celebrate the First Amendment” ⁣will be touring through Oct. 28. To fight against the new laws ‌and regulations limiting the kinds⁤ of books ⁣kids can access, ⁤one bookmobile‌ is handing out books like “Pride: ​The Story ⁤of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow ⁣Flag,” “I Am Jazz,” ⁣and “How to Be an ​Antiracist” —⁤ all of which are readily available on Amazon to‍ be shipped directly to your⁣ door overnight.

Concerned parents and⁣ lawmakers have contested the content of these‍ books that leftist activists now characterize as “banned.” Some ​have​ been moved from​ children’s shelves due to pornographic⁣ imagery, while others have been⁤ taken ⁣out of classrooms due to divisive ideologies. The nuance and maturity these “banned”⁤ books demand are at⁢ the crux of the‌ issue, but the ALA and affiliate sponsors insist these books should remain accessible to‍ children of any ​age in libraries and‌ classrooms on taxpayers’ dime.

The talking points ⁤reiterated on the ⁣left are all ⁣about “MAGA Republicans” and ‌how ​they love to “ban books.” The painfully obvious irony is that if these books were truly banned,‍ this book ‍tour would be impossible. Conflating‌ the regulation of child-appropriate content​ in⁣ public schools with mass⁤ book ⁤banning and censorship is dishonest ⁢at best.

“This ‍is‍ a dangerous time​ for readers and the public ⁤servants who provide access to reading materials,” said ALA Director for Intellectual Freedom Deborah Caldwell-Stone. “Readers, particularly students, ‍are losing access to ⁣critical information, and librarians​ and teachers‍ are under attack for doing their jobs.”

Therein lies one major​ problem: the‌ idea that it is the job of⁢ librarians⁢ and teachers to provide‍ obscene imagery or⁣ transgender confusion ​for children and otherwise steep them in ⁤the left’s sexual and ⁢racial orthodoxy. But beyond that,​ conservative efforts to safeguard kids aren’t putting taxpayer-funded employees in “danger.” And the “critical ⁢information” the ALA claims is at⁣ stake‍ is ⁣still available anywhere online and in the grown-up sections of libraries. The question right-wing parents and politicians pose is not whether these books should be allowed to exist, but rather what⁤ content is appropriate for children in public spaces.

The “banned book” ​tours were backed by ⁣numerous affiliates including The New Republic, The American‍ Federation⁤ of Teachers, the ‍African American Policy Forum, Banned Books Week,, House of SpeakEasy, the Urban Libraries ‌Council, The Freedom to‍ Read Foundation, Penguin ⁢Random House, Little Free Library, and PEN America.


Why is the ALA and its supporters accused‍ of not engaging in a meaningful ⁢discussion about the merits of certain books, and instead resorting to​ labeling anyone​ who questions their appropriateness as enemies of free speech?

​ Y in ​this​ narrative is that the people leading these efforts to ​remove inappropriate materials are ⁤the parents themselves, irrespective of⁤ their political affiliations. ‌It is unfair to portray this solely as‌ a phenomenon driven by conservative ideology when concerned ‌parents​ from ⁤all walks of life‍ are actively ​participating⁤ in these debates.

But the focus of the ALA and its supporters is not on engaging in a meaningful discussion about ‍the merits ⁢of these books. Instead, they ‍have taken a combative⁤ approach, labeling anyone who questions ​the appropriateness of certain materials as enemies of free speech. This oversimplification of the issue undermines the legitimate concerns held by ‍parents and lawmakers who⁤ simply want to ensure that their⁤ children are not exposed to explicit content or divisive ideologies at a young age.

It ‍is disingenuous to suggest ​that the availability of these ​books on platforms like Amazon invalidates the concerns of parents. The fact that parents can choose ‍to ⁢purchase these books​ and have them shipped directly to their homes does not undermine the importance of ‌age-appropriate content in libraries and classrooms. Parents​ should have the ⁤autonomy​ to make decisions about what ‌their children​ are exposed to, and it is the responsibility of schools ‍and ⁣libraries to ⁤respect‌ their wishes.

The ⁣ALA and its ​affiliates seem to be more interested ⁤in pushing a specific ideological agenda than ‍in fostering an environment that promotes ‌critical thinking and open dialogue.⁢ By insisting that‍ these books should be accessible to‌ children of any age, they ⁤are ignoring‍ the developmental differences between children and the ⁢potential impact that explicit or⁤ divisive​ content‌ can have on their young minds.

In conclusion, the ALA’s support of these “banned books” tours, organized by⁤ Penguin Random House and ‍The New ‌Republic, reflects ​a concerning ⁤disregard for the concerns and values of parents and lawmakers. ‌By framing these debates⁣ solely ‌in terms of ‍free‌ speech and political ideologies, they undermine ⁢the legitimate concerns held by parents⁣ who simply want to protect their children​ from explicit content‌ and divisive ideologies. It ​is crucial to engage in a ‌nuanced and‌ respectful​ dialogue that⁤ takes ⁢into account the developmental needs of​ children and the​ rights of parents to make ⁣decisions about⁤ their children’s education.

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