
White House denounces Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat of government shutdown.

(Photo by Megan Varner/Getty Images)

OAN’s Abril Elfi
4:33 PM ​– Friday, September 1, 2023

The White House Attacks ⁣Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

The White‍ House launched a scathing attack on​ Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene after ‍she suggested ⁣that federal ⁣financing could be halted if⁤ Congress fails to initiate an​ impeachment investigation into President⁢ Joe Biden.


During a town‍ hall meeting on Thursday, Greene (R-Ga.) made it clear that she would withhold her vote for government financing ⁣until an impeachment investigation‍ into Joe Biden is completed.

Andrew Bates,⁤ a White ‌House spokesman, strongly criticized‍ Greene’s ⁤statement.

“The last ⁢thing the American⁣ people​ deserve is for⁤ extreme House members to trigger a government shutdown ⁣that⁣ hurts our economy, undermines our disaster preparedness, and forces‍ our troops to work⁢ without guaranteed pay,” he said. “The ⁤House‍ Republicans ⁣responsible for keeping the government⁢ open already made a promise to the American public about government funding, and it would be a shame for them to break their word and fail the country because they caved to the hardcore ⁢fringe of their party in prioritizing a baseless ​impeachment stunt over high stakes needs Americans care about deeply ⁣– like fighting fentanyl trafficking, protecting our ​national security, and funding [the Federal Emergency Management Agency].”

Greene has also expressed her refusal to vote for government funding ‍unless Congress defunds “the⁤ Biden ⁢regime’s weaponized ⁢government,” including funding for special counsel Jack Smith, who is leading two criminal investigations against 45th President Donald‌ Trump.

She has also⁤ stated that she will not support financing⁤ resolutions that maintain COVID-19 vaccine mandates or increase aid to Ukraine, arguing that the country needs to defend itself against⁣ Russia.

Other Republicans have also threatened to vote against government ⁢funding. When the​ House reconvenes after Labor⁣ Day, Kevin McCarthy has ⁣indicated his intention to launch‍ an impeachment inquiry.

McCarthy referred to the impeachment⁢ as a “natural step⁤ forward” from ongoing investigations and emphasized the consequences of a ⁣government shutdown, stating, “If we⁤ shut‍ down, all the government shuts ⁢down – ‍investigation and everything else.”

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