the federalist

Whistleblowers confess reporting Ken Paxton to FBI with no evidence.

Former Employees ‌Admit Reporting Texas Attorney General to FBI​ Without Evidence

During the impeachment trial ‌of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, former⁢ employees admitted that they reported Paxton to the FBI without any evidence and​ had no reason not to trust federal agents.

Ryan Vassar, a former deputy attorney general under ​Paxton, testified⁢ over the course of‌ two days regarding his decision to report the AG ⁢to the FBI. He claimed that he⁤ and seven other ⁤so-called whistleblowers had​ a “good faith belief” that Paxton had committed criminal actions.

This meeting with the FBI in the Fall of 2020 eventually led to the majority‌ of the impeachment ​articles, alleging ​that Paxton misused his office to benefit a specific individual‍ who had, ​several years earlier, donated to⁤ one of Paxton’s campaigns.

During the cross-examination‌ by‍ Mitch Little, an attorney for Paxton, Vassar made ‍the⁤ shocking revelation that⁢ he and the⁣ other employees had gone to the FBI without a ⁤shred of evidence.

“Mr. Vassar,⁢ please, I want to get this straight — you went to the FBI ​on ⁣September 30 with⁢ your compatriots, and reported the elected attorney general of this ⁤state for a crime without any evidence?” Little asked. “Yes?”

“That’s right,” Vassar⁢ admitted. “We took no evidence.”

He attempted to clarify, saying, “We had no evidence that we could point ⁣to, but we‍ had reasonable conclusions we ‌could draw.”

Little then asked if, after going to ⁣the FBI without any evidence, they later collected evidence that would corroborate their claims to⁢ the FBI.

“I don’t recall that we collected any evidence,” Vassar added, again‍ retorting that he and his allies had gone to report a ​“good faith belief” of criminal activity.

Little retorted, “Respectfully sir, we are not here for your good faith belief.”

Attorney⁤ General Paxton, like many ‍other notable⁢ conservatives in⁣ America, has been ‍the ⁣subject of potential weaponization of the federal government — an institution he​ has ‌successfully sued ‌many times.

Even right now, as the impeachment trial continues, former President Donald Trump — who is ⁣by far ⁢the favorite for the GOP nomination — is currently being targeted by the apparatus of the federal government.

The weaponization of the FBI has had such an effect on the American public that 70 percent of people are⁤ concerned “about ​interference by the FBI and intelligence agencies ‌in a future presidential election,” according to a Harvard-Harris poll earlier this year.

Nevertheless, Ryan Vassar had no mistrust of‍ the FBI or the federal government at all.

“Do you⁣ trust the Feds?‌ Do you ‍trust the‌ FBI?” Little​ asked during⁢ the cross-examination.

“Yes, I have no reason not to, I trust law enforcement and our peace⁣ officers,” the so-called whistleblower ⁣admitted.

“You can’t think of one reason in the last three or four years not to ⁤trust the FBI?” Little pressed.

The lawyer continued, “Ken Paxton told you he didn’t want to help the ⁤Feds in any way,⁤ didn’t he?”

“Yes sir,” Vassar said.

It is important to ‌note that ⁤in the three years since the so-called whistleblowers went to the ⁣FBI with their “good ⁤faith belief” of ⁤criminal action from Paxton, the Bureau has never taken a single public​ action on the item.

Seemingly, “good faith” was simply not good ​enough.

About the Author

Jonathan covers local politics for The Dallas ⁣Express and has a background in ‍historical research. He graduated with a degree in Classics from Houston Christian University‍ in 2017, having studied Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. ⁤After attaining a Master’s degree in History, Jonathan is currently a doctoral candidate​ at Liberty⁣ University.

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