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‘We’re Lucky We Have Canada,’ Biden Says as Bilateral Meetings With Trudeau Begin

On March 24, President Joe Biden traveled to Ottawa to meet with French Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in person.

As leader, it is Biden’s second trip to Canada.

Before the two leaders met for the first time, Trudeau remarked,” Obviously, we’ve been working closely together over the past few years on how to make good economies for everyone in our two countries and around the world. We also need to deal with changing political security contexts and preserve the crucial work of keeping our citizens safer and standing up for our values anywhere else.”

He continued,” We have no greater friend and ally than the United States.”

Biden stated that he hasn’t been to Canada since 2016.

Biden remarked,” We’re thankful we have Canada to the northern.” We rarely disagree on certain issues, but our shared political values don’t fundamentally differ, and it really makes a difference.

Biden continued,” The two officials have a lot to talk about.”

Biden is scheduled to meet with Trudeau for two intergovernmental meetings following the morning’s standard welcome ceremony and book signing, according to the White House.

In the noon, Biden will speak before the American congress, followed by a joint news conference with Trudeau.

A dinner dinner hosted by Trudeau and his family, Sophie Grégoire, will be attended by Biden and First Lady Jill Bden.

According to the White House, Biden and Trudeau are anticipated to discuss issues of shared national security and defense cooperation, such as enhancing supply chain resilience and quickening the shift to clean energy.

Biden and Trudeau will talk about a number of issues, including shared worries about Chinese anger and social unrest in Haiti.

Biden is anticipated to bring up the request from his administration for Canada to increase funding for the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s( NORAD ) early warning system upgrade.

When a Chinese spy bubble flew over both countries earlier this year, risks in that product were made public.

Additionally, the two leaders are scheduled to reveal a deal intended to halt the flow of asylum seekers at illegal border crossings between the US and Canada.

According to the White House, Biden did” highlight the importance of the United States-Canada diplomatic relationship” during his words before the Canadian Parliament.

Biden and Trudeau” affirmed their intention to develop enhanced engagement on nuclear power and technology between their two countries ,” according to a joint statement from the U.S. Department of Energy and Canada’s Ministry of Natural Resources.

Given the current global challenges we face, the speech reads,” Enhancing our alliances is more crucial than already.” The unwarranted and unfair conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the growing effects of climate change, have fundamentally changed the world’s energy landscape and accelerated the need for cooperation among allies who share similar interests.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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