WEF Pushes Surveillance System Plan to Track Everyone’s Carbon Footprint

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published new ideas to track everyone’s carbon emissions and carbon footprint with the help of advanced surveillance technology.

According to a WEF website post penned by the director of India’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Smart Cities Mission, the new surveillance system, dubbed “My Carbon initiatives,” is all about the “inclusivity of citizens” in reducing carbon emissions.

Despite the aggressive push for such “personal allowance programs,” they have seldom succeeded. But as tracking and surveillance technology continues to advance, the “climate change” narrative is aiding the group in getting vast amounts of the population to accept the idea of being tracked and surveilled while having less freedom.

The WEF focuses on what they identify as roadblocks to their agenda, social and political resistance, a lack of awareness, and “fair mechanisms” to track individual emissions.

The post, which says the views are “those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum,” sees “an improved” world in not just technology but also society while mentioning catastrophic pandemic restrictions in a positive tone – proof the population can be trained to show “individual social responsibility.”

The COVID beta test

“A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world,” the WEF blog piece says.

The result is billions are also now more likely to accept restrictions in other areas of their lifestyle.

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The plan is to use surveillance technology to track the carbon emissions of every individual, as well as give “individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services.”

Moreover, the costs for “carbon-intensive” activities and goods should be increased – while offering economic incentives to reduce demand – in other words – a “low carbon emissions social credit system.”

The creation of new social norms is also recommended.

This would redefine what “a fair share” of personal emissions is and set “acceptable levels” of personal emissions.

Free Speech

But it’s not just how you travel, eat and heat your home – the WEF wants to control what you say.

Last month we reported the WEF’s plan to combat “disinformation and hate speech” by using “human and artificial intelligence” in the group’s so-called battle against “the dark world of online harm.”

Vice president of Trust and Safety at ActiveFence, Inbal Goldberger, published an op-ed on the global organization’s website outlining a solution to online abuse.

One solution would enable a combination of AI and “subject matter experts” to “detect nuanced, novel online abuses at scale before they reach mainstream platforms.”

Goldberger adds the AI approach to content moderation would allow human and AI teams to flag and remove items deemed high risk after transmitting millions of sources through training sets.

“Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” Goldberger wrote.

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