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Vivek Ramaswamy opposes military action on Iran.

Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Opposes U.S. Military Force Against Iran

“I think ⁣it’s really important that the U.S. not put our own men ‍and women on the line in a war with Iran,” Ramaswamy said in an interview this week. He added that the United States should “remain supportive” of our “friend” Israel and be “at ​Israel’s back.”

Ramaswamy, a leading candidate in the GOP presidential primary, firmly stands​ against using U.S. military force in ‌Iran. He believes that America should not be dragged into unnecessary wars. In a recent interview, he emphasized the importance of not risking the lives of American soldiers in a conflict with Iran. Instead, Ramaswamy advocates ​for maintaining a supportive stance towards Israel, a close ally.

Expressing his anti-war stance, Ramaswamy aims to end the war in Ukraine, deter China, and⁤ prevent Iran from​ becoming more emboldened.⁣ He assures that Israel will have the ‌freedom to defend itself to​ the fullest extent, while the United States remains firmly supportive.

This position marks ⁤a departure from recent U.S. policy towards Iran. Former presidents Donald‌ Trump and Barack Obama both expressed willingness to employ military force against Iran if it pursued nuclear weapons.

Ramaswamy also outlined his foreign⁢ policy approach, drawing inspiration from the Monroe Doctrine. He envisions the United States defending its superiority in ⁤the Western Hemisphere while reducing its influence in other parts of the world.

However,⁣ rival Republican candidate Mike Pence criticized Ramaswamy for his comments on Iran, accusing him ‍of lacking a profound understanding of defending American interests.

In recent⁢ weeks, Ramaswamy has faced criticism for changing his stance on various issues, including providing aid to ​Israel.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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