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Tim Scott’s campaign ad in Iowa is a must-watch. It’s all about winning.

Sen. Tim Scott Releases Engaging New Ad in Iowa

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) has made a bold move in his quest for the Republican Party presidential nomination. This week, he launched a captivating new ad as part of a multi-million dollar ad buy in Iowa.

The $6 million campaign, titled “Winning,” was reported by Fox News to have launched on Thursday. The ad showcases Scott on a football field, reminiscing about the valuable lessons he learned from playing the sport during his upbringing.

“Playing football taught me that it’s good to fight, but it’s better to win,” Scott passionately declares in the video. He goes on to criticize Joe Biden’s America, stating, “But in Joe Biden’s America, everybody gets a participation trophy, and everybody is a victim.”

Scott’s ad doesn’t shy away from addressing controversial topics. He boldly asserts, “The radical left is indoctrinating our children, teaching CRT instead of ABC, punishing excellence by eliminating honors classes, and promoting a transgender ideology that’s ruining women’s sports.”

“I’m Tim Scott and I approve this message because, as president, I’ll fight back, and I’ll win,” Scott confidently proclaims.

Scott officially launched his campaign in late May, delivering a powerful speech at his alma mater, Charleston Southern University. In his speech, he emphasized the strength of our nation and criticized President Biden’s leadership.

“Our nation, our values, and our people are strong. But our President is weak,” Scott declared. “America is not a nation in decline. But under Joe Biden, we have become a nation in retreat. Retreating from our heritage and our history. Retreating from personal responsibility and hard work. Retreating from strength and security. Even retreating from religious liberty and the worship of God himself.”

Scott’s message is clear: he believes in the power of freedom, hope, and opportunity. He firmly stands against victimhood and grievance, choosing instead to champion victory and greatness.

Related: CNN Panel Upset Republicans Tim Scott, Nikki Haley Deny ‘Systemic Racism’

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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