Conservative News Daily

Gingrich: DC Ordered DA to Rush Trump Indictment to Divert Attention from Weiss Mistake

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich⁤ Reveals Shocking Details About Trump’s⁢ Indictment

In a stunning revelation, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich shared⁣ that he was informed by a Washington‍ insider⁢ about former President Donald Trump’s recent indictment in Georgia. According to Gingrich, ⁣the​ indictment was orchestrated by someone in Washington, D.C., ⁤and​ took place ⁤on Monday.

Trump, along‌ with 18 others,⁤ was‍ indicted by a ⁢grand jury ‌in Fulton​ County, ⁢with District Attorney Fani Willis leading ‍the case. The indictment ‌includes‍ numerous felony charges, including alleged violations of Georgia’s Racketeer‍ Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ‌(RICO) Act.

Prior to the indictment, a document⁣ outlining the charges against Trump was​ briefly published on the courthouse⁣ website‍ before being deleted. This was followed by Willis⁣ filing a case against Trump that could‍ potentially result in a ⁣lengthy prison sentence.

Trump is ⁣expected to ​appear in court next week, and the ​DA’s⁤ office aims ​to⁢ hold the‍ trial in March, coinciding with the Republican‍ primaries.

The Phone ‍Call That Set the Indictment in Motion

Gingrich,‌ speaking on “The Charlie Kirk Show,” revealed that the ‌indictment was set in motion by a ⁣phone call from someone in the nation’s‍ capital to Willis.⁤ This call was‌ made to divert attention from the controversy surrounding the appointment ⁣of prosecutor David‌ Weiss in the ⁣Hunter Biden ⁤tax case.

Gingrich emphasized that this information was hearsay but came from a‌ reliable source. ‌He stated, “You couldn’t write‌ a novel in which these ⁣things happen.”

Willis initially resisted the pressure to indict Trump,​ citing the unavailability of jurors until ‌Tuesday. However, the ‍individuals ⁤on‍ the call insisted that the indictment must happen on Monday,‍ regardless of the timing.

Supporting Gingrich’s claims, Kirk highlighted the peculiar ​circumstances surrounding the initial posting and subsequent deletion of the‌ indictment document, as well as the late-night press conference held by Willis.

This‍ recent indictment marks the fourth legal action taken‍ against ​Trump this‍ year, with charges in Georgia, New York, and two separate cases led by‌ Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith.

For ⁢more details on this shocking development,‌ watch⁤ the ⁤video here.

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