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WATCH: Biden Stumped By Kid’s Question, Forgets Last Country He Visited

Did President Biden Forget His Trip to Ireland?

Less than two weeks ago, President Joe Biden was having the “time of his life” in Ireland. However, on Thursday, he was stumped by a question from a child at the White House who asked him where the last country he traveled to was. The president struggled to remember, and a kid in the crowd had to remind him that it was Ireland.

It’s surprising that the president forgot his recent trip to Ireland, where he had a jam-packed rally and even said, “When you’re here you wonder why anyone would want to leave.”

On Thursday, the president was surrounded by several kids as part of the White House “Take Your Child To Work Day” celebration. He worked the rope line and attempted to answer their questions.

As reported, Biden celebrated “Take Your Child To Work Day” on that Ireland expedition as Hunter joined him as an official umbrella holder. Hunter also helped his dad answer tough questions from kids, such as, “What are the keys to success?”

Perhaps the president stumbled today because he didn’t have a cheat sheet as he did on Wednesday with a pre-selected question and the journalist’s name written on it.

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