Washington Examiner

Warren and Graham join forces to propose agency for Big Tech regulation.

Senators Propose Creation of Agency to Regulate Big Tech

Two influential ⁣senators from⁣ both sides of the political spectrum are joining forces to propose the establishment of an agency dedicated to regulating and licensing Big Tech companies.

Sens. ‌Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) ⁢and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) recently announced their introduction⁢ of the Digital Consumer Protection Commission Act. This bipartisan‌ bill aims to create an independent agency that will⁤ focus on licensing and monitoring tech giants like Meta, Google, and Amazon.

“For too‍ long, giant tech companies have taken advantage of ⁢consumers’‍ data, invaded Americans’ privacy, jeopardized our national security, and stifled competition in our economy,” Warren stated. “This bill, supported ⁣by both Democrats and Republicans, will establish a new tech regulator ⁢and clearly demonstrates that reining in Big Tech platforms is a top priority for all.”

Protecting⁢ Consumers and Safeguarding the Future

The⁣ proposed commission would implement safeguards ⁤to shield children from sexual exploitation, cyberbullying, and drug-related⁢ content. It would ​also⁣ hold tech companies accountable for any acts of “speech suppression” and equip the government to address⁢ emerging ​threats posed‍ by technologies like generative⁣ artificial intelligence.⁣ Additionally, the commission would ensure the‍ protection and privacy of user‍ data.

Graham emphasized the significance of creating a regulatory ‍commission to oversee Big Tech, stating, “This ‌is just the first ⁤step⁣ in a long journey to safeguard American consumers from the immense power currently held by these companies.”

The bill, ‍introduced shortly before the August recess, ⁣currently lacks co-sponsors, ‌making its future uncertain.

It is worth noting that Warren has previously played a key ​role⁢ in‍ establishing new agencies. As a Harvard law professor, she was instrumental in the ​creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2010, a federal agency aimed at ⁣shielding users from fraudulent‍ practices.

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