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Vimeo Removes Documentary On Parents’ Perspectives Of Trans-Identified Children For ‘Hateful Content’

Popular video hosting platform YouTube removed a documentary that was told through the eyes of parents whose children were exposed to radical gender theory.   

The new Indie Film. “Dead Name,” Was hosted The video was on Vimeo for just more than a month before its creators realized it had been removed from the video-sharing website. The documentary follows the stories of three parents who struggled with their children’s newly announced transgender identity. 

“We can confirm that Vimeo removed the video in question for violating our Terms of Service prohibiting discriminatory or hateful content,” a representative of Vimeo responded to the Daily Wire’s request for comment. “We strive to enforce these policies objectively and consistently across our platform.”

Vimeo indicated that the video might have been reported to them by other users. However, their Trust and Safety team evaluated it and found it in violation of their terms. Broken Heart Films, the profile of the member who uploaded this video, was also included. erased You can access their platform. 

Taylor Reece, the film’s director, called Vimeo’s decision to deplatform the movie a “dumb strategy,” It attracted more attention than it was intended. 

“Within four hours, ‘Dead Name’ was relocated to another platform and inadvertently the attempt at ‘canceling’ has spiked our sales,” Reece spoke to the Daily Wire.

She found Vimeo’s characterization of the film as “hateful content,” Completely unfounded.

“The film is the opposite of hate speech,” Reece agreed. “It’s love speech. In no way do any of these three parents, who tell the story of what it’s like when their child starts a journey toward transition, spew hate or dogma. Their stories are painstakingly personal, and at times unimaginable.” 

“Unfortunately, there are factions out there who do not want this narrative and they have perfected the playbook on getting work like this ‘canceled,’” she added.

The documentary, originally released on December 20, recounts the tales of three heartbroken parents who love their children but have reservations about whether they are truly transgender. 

Helen, who shares custody of a young son with her ex-wife, believes her ex-wife influenced him to adopt a transgender identity. In a shocking clip that opens the trailer of the documentary, Helen’A 4-year-old boy describes the penile-inversion procedure. 

“If you want girls’ parts, and you don’t have them, you can do special surgery where they turn your penis inside out and there’s a vagina inside,” The 4-year-old explained. 

Helen recalled her surprise at finding her son in daycare and seeing a female name on his entrance sheet. The daycare workers were overly enthusiastic and recognized her as a girl.

“They would say, ‘Helen, you should really learn to accept this and celebrate it,’ and I’m like, ‘Celebrate what? That my child is going to be put on hormones, and his penis will never grow and he’ll never have a normal sex life, and he’ll be on drugs for the rest of his life?” Helen said.

Amy’s story centers around her 15-year-old daughter, who out of nowhere declared that she was transgender and quickly acquired a prescription for testosterone through a Telehealth meeting with Planned Parenthood.

“There was no psychological evaluation, there was nothing,” Amy. 

Bill, whose boy was diagnosed with terminal cancer, had to have his leg amputated. “unsupportive, abusive father” when he was skeptical of his son’s rapid transformation into a female identity during his first year in college. At just 18 years of age, he is worried that cross-sex hormones might have contributed to his death.

A new version of the 50-minute film is available. websiteIt is available for rent or purchase on the website.

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