Video: Disney Producer Boasts About Exploring 'Gay Advanced' and 'Gay 101' Content

Leaked video from Disney’s “Reimagine Tomorrow” summit shows executive producer Latoya Raveneau casually boasting about how she identifies as a “bi-romantic asexual,” and how she wants to “use [her] content” at Disney to help educate young audiences about “the pockets of the LGBTQ community that you don’t see,” such as the asexual community.

“I identify as, like, a bi-romatic asexual,” Raveneau explains in the leaked video, released by Christopher Rufo of City Journal. “I’ve had a lot of learning and growing about myself this year, kind of facilitated by how comfortable I felt on The Proud Family, and with my immediate team at Disney TVA.”

“And, like, outside of my team, outside of TVA, it’s just — it feels like the things that we believe that we’re trying to put into the shows are not what we’re seeing in the real world,” the Disney executive added. “It leaves you in a weird space.”

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Raveneau went on to say that she wants to use her “content to, like, go deeper, like, talk about how non-monolithic the LGBTQ+ community as an asexual — I feel like a lot of people don’t know what that is. I have to, like, have a dissertation ready at any given time.”

“I want to, like, add the pockets of the LGBTQ community that you don’t see,” she said. “I want to get, like, gay advanced, and then I realize, like, ‘Oh shit, we need to go back to, like, Gay 101.’”

This is not the first time Raveneau has been seen in leaked video footage talking about her “gay agenda” for children’s content at Disney.

Previously leaked video from the summit also shows Raveneau talking about how the company encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” when she became an employee.

“In my little pocket of Proud Family TVA, the showrunners were super welcoming,” the Disney executive explained. “Meredith Roberts and our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my not-at-all secret gay agenda.”

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