The epoch times

Cousin of Uvalde Shooter arrested for school shooting threat, per court records.

Teenage Cousin Arrested for Threats to Commit a Similar School​ Shooting

SAN ‌ANTONIO—In a⁣ shocking turn‍ of events, the teenage cousin of the gunman behind the court records.”>tragic school ​shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has been apprehended by the authorities. According ‌to court records, his own family alerted the police after discovering ⁣his disturbing intentions ​to purchase a firearm and​ “do the same thing.”

With swift action, the San Antonio police took the 17-year-old cousin into custody on Monday.‍ He now faces ‍charges of making threats‍ to a public place⁣ and a ‍family member, highlighting the⁤ seriousness of his intentions.

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