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Utah Education Board Member probed for criticizing schools’ influence on children.

Utah Education Board ‍Member​ Under​ Investigation‍ for Controversial ⁤Social ⁢Media‌ Posts

A member of​ Utah’s ⁣state education​ board is currently‍ under ‍investigation ‍following a⁤ series ⁤of provocative social ⁢media posts.⁢ Natalie ⁤Cline,⁢ an‍ outspoken conservative, ‌has been‍ accused ⁣of accusing⁣ schools of ​”grooming” ‍and “brainwashing” ⁢children ⁢with gender‍ ideology.

The ‍board​ is taking ‌this matter ⁣seriously and is looking into​ Cline’s ⁤recent⁣ social ⁣media activity, as well as‍ a possible⁢ violation ​of‍ board ⁤bylaws due to a⁢ presentation she gave at⁣ a⁤ library.

Protecting ⁢Children ⁤from ⁤Inappropriate​ Material

The Utah State ⁣Board ⁢of‍ Education‌ (USBE) firmly believes⁣ that children must be ⁤protected from inappropriate ‌sexual ⁤material in the​ school setting.‌ USBE ⁢leadership⁣ strongly disapproves ‍of⁣ recent‍ social⁢ media ‍statements by one ​board member that ‍schools are ‍”complicit ​in ​the‌ grooming of children ‍for ‌sex trafficking” ​and⁢ “brainwashing them ‌into queer, gender bending ideologies.”

The⁢ board‍ quoted‍ a ⁣Facebook ⁢post from ‍Cline, which‍ included a promotional‍ poster ‍for ⁣the movie ‌”Sound of ⁣Freedom,”⁣ a⁢ film about a ‌former ⁣government​ agent’s fight against sex trafficking.⁣ In her ⁤post, Cline​ claimed‍ that ⁣schools were‍ aiding⁤ and abetting ⁢this‍ evil practice by‍ exposing ⁤children⁤ to ​explicit ‍content and promoting ⁢queer ⁣and gender-bending ‌ideologies.

It’s‌ important⁢ to ‍note ⁢that ​all ⁢of Cline’s ⁢posts⁤ include the ‌Disclaimer ‌”Not⁢ official USBE‌ Board position,” as instructed by ‌the​ board.

The ‍state ⁤education‌ board⁤ has condemned ‌Cline’s comments ‍as “inflammatory” ⁤and ‍unfair⁢ to ​Utah’s teachers, who prioritize‌ the ⁢well-being​ of their students. They also emphasized their commitment ⁤to preventing ⁣harassment or ⁢discrimination‌ based ⁤on‍ sexual orientation, ‌as mandated by ⁢Utah ⁤law.

Cline ⁢has ⁣been​ a​ board member⁢ since ​2020 and‌ has consistently⁢ made ⁣controversial remarks that⁢ have ⁢sparked ‍criticism. ⁢She ⁢recently ‌gave ⁤a ‍presentation at a ⁤local ‌library, ‌where ⁢she criticized schools for using Title⁣ IX to ⁣push an ⁢LGBT agenda. ‍During ​the⁢ presentation,⁤ she⁢ allegedly made‌ a comment questioning​ the⁤ gender​ identity ​of⁢ a ‍staff‍ member, raising ⁣concerns about their ability​ to advocate effectively ⁤for families.

In the ‍past,⁣ Cline‍ has‍ also‌ faced backlash ⁣for ​labeling‍ Black Lives Matter ​as “indoctrination” and referring to ‌LGBT ⁢students ‌as⁤ “gender-confused.” These⁤ incidents⁤ led‍ to⁣ a⁣ petition ⁤calling for her⁢ removal from‌ the⁣ state⁢ education‍ board.

In ⁢2021, Cline was reprimanded ⁣by‍ the⁤ board for criticizing ‍an‍ LGBT welcome ⁢sign ‍at ⁤a ⁤Utah public⁤ high ⁣school’s⁣ seminary building, which is affiliated⁢ with the⁣ Church​ of ‍Latter-day ⁣Saints.

Cline ‍expressed⁢ her​ frustration, stating,⁣ “Time​ to make some​ phone‌ calls.⁢ The world is‌ too much‍ with‍ us.”

In the board’s letter of reprimand, ‌they​ highlighted Cline’s repeated⁤ marginalization of the LGBT community‍ and‌ expressed concern about ​the​ negative⁤ impact her ​social media‍ posts⁤ have on​ vulnerable ⁤students.

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