Washington Examiner

US may withdraw from Niger as Russia’s Wagner Group celebrates failed coup.

President Joe Biden Threatens to Cut Military Ties with Niger Amidst Political Crisis

President Joe Biden has issued a strong warning to Niger, stating that the‌ United States⁤ may⁤ sever military ties if the ongoing coup against the country’s democratically elected president continues. The White​ House National Security Council‌ spokesman, John Kirby, emphasized the potential consequences of a military takeover, stating that it ⁣could jeopardize existing security and non-security partnerships between the United States and ‍Niger.

High Stakes and International Concerns

The U.S. hopes⁢ to​ prevent the overthrow of Nigerien President⁣ Mahmoud Bazoum, despite the announcement by Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani‌ that he has seized power. The political crisis in Niger⁢ carries significant implications, as the‍ withdrawal of American troops could create ⁤a power vacuum that terrorist organizations⁣ may exploit. Additionally, ⁣it could pave the ‌way for Russia’s ⁢Wagner Group paramilitary forces‌ to establish a foothold in a country they have ‍long desired.

Africa Center for Strategic Studies research director Joseph Siegle highlighted Russia’s interest in a ⁣military takeover, stating that they ‍have openly expressed their desire for influence in Niger. Siegle also mentioned that after the coup‌ in​ Burkina Faso last year, there were indications that Wagner-linked Telegram accounts considered Niger as their next target.

Condemnation​ and Ambiguous Posture

Gen. Tchiani’s‌ coup has drawn condemnation‌ from the African Union and ⁣Western ‍powers, while ‍Russian authorities have​ taken a more ambiguous stance. Russian⁤ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov referred to it as “an anti-constitutional act,” but also drew parallels to the Ukrainian movement in ⁣2014.​ Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov denied interference in Niger’s internal⁢ affairs ⁤but‍ acknowledged the recurring nature of such events in Africa.

However, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the chief⁤ of‌ Russia’s Wagner Group, reportedly celebrated the coup as a defeat for‍ the West. Prigozhin’s⁢ forces have⁢ benefited from previous coups in African states, and the potential financial and geopolitical advantages of Niger make it an attractive prospect for them.

Urgent Action and International Demands

U.S. officials, ​including Senate ​Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menendez, have emphasized the need for⁤ swift action to hold anti-democratic forces accountable and send a clear message that attacks on⁢ constitutional democracy will not be‍ tolerated. The United States, along with Niger’s partners in Africa and other international allies, ⁣is closely monitoring the situation to determine‌ the next steps collectively.

Amidst these developments, ‍France has also expressed its refusal to recognize the authorities that emerged from the military ⁣coup in Niger. The French⁢ government has ⁢called for the immediate restoration of constitutional order and the democratically elected civilian government.

Hope⁢ for Diplomatic Resolution

President Biden’s administration ‍is hopeful⁣ that diplomatic efforts can still avert the overthrow of President Bazoum. The United States has ⁣made it clear to Nigerien leaders that their security cooperation is contingent ‌upon the rule of law, support for democracy, and civilian control. The Biden administration believes that there is still room for diplomacy to resolve the crisis in Niger.

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