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US Military forms AI Task Force

The​ U.S. Department of Defense Establishes Task Force for Generative AI Integration

The U.S. Department of Defense​ announced on Aug. 10 the⁣ establishment of⁣ Task Force Lima, a team dedicated to ⁢analyzing and integrating generative artificial intelligence⁣ (AI) tools across the department. This ⁣initiative aims to ensure that the United States remains at the forefront of cutting-edge technology while safeguarding national security.

Under the leadership of Kathleen Hicks, the deputy ‍secretary of Defense, Task⁤ Force Lima will assess, synchronize, and employ‍ generative AI capabilities throughout the department. ⁤Craig Martell,​ the department’s chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, will lead the‌ task force.

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Craig Martell emphasized ​the importance of identifying protective ⁤measures and mitigating national security risks associated with ​generative AI adoption.⁢ He also⁤ highlighted the need to consider how adversaries may employ this ⁣technology⁢ to⁤ disrupt​ the‌ United States’ use of AI-based solutions.

Generative AI​ refers to AI algorithms that create new content based on their ⁢training ​data. The U.S. military⁢ aims to leverage this technology to enhance various areas,‍ including warfighting, ​business affairs, health, readiness, and policy.

An illustration picture shows the ChatGPT artificial intelligence software, which generates human-like⁤ conversation, on ⁢Feb. 03, 2023. ⁢(Nicolas Maeterlinck /Belga Mag/AFP via ‍Getty Images)

Last month, ⁣U.S. Air Force ​Colonel Matthew‌ Strohmeyer revealed that the military‍ conducted live assessments ⁢of generative AI models to ⁣evaluate their viability in decision-making processes. These AI tools demonstrated the ability to process secret-level and classified data‌ within minutes, ​significantly reducing ⁣the ⁤time‍ required compared to human analysis.

Colonel ⁣Strohmeyer acknowledged that while generative AI is not⁤ yet⁤ ready for widespread‌ use,⁢ the successful live assessments ​with secret-level ‌data indicate its potential.

Declaration on Responsible Use of ‌AI in Military

Earlier this year, the ‍United States launched an initiative to promote international cooperation on the responsible use of⁤ AI and ⁣autonomous ‌weapons by militaries. The initiative ⁣seeks ⁣to ‍establish guidelines and best practices for ⁣the responsible ⁢military⁣ use of AI.

Bonnie Jenkins, the State Department’s undersecretary for arms control and international security, emphasized the ⁤need to create strong norms of responsible ‍behavior concerning military uses of ‌AI. She ‍highlighted‌ the transformative impact of AI on militaries worldwide, citing the Ukrainian army’s application of AI to analyze battlefield situations.

The U.S. ​declaration on responsible military use of AI ⁢contains 12 ‍points, including the importance of maintaining human control and involvement in ‍critical actions related to⁤ nuclear weapons employment.

Military AI Increases Strategic Risk

A report by⁣ the Center for a New⁢ American Security warns that⁣ the use of⁢ artificial intelligence in the ‌military, ⁤combined with tensions between the United States and China, increases the risk of ‍a strategic catastrophe.​ The report​ highlights the potential impact of ‌military AI on global⁤ stability.

The report emphasizes the intensifying geopolitical rivalry‍ between the United States and China, coupled with the rapid ​development of AI technologies for military applications.⁣ It concludes that military AI will likely ​deepen the ‌U.S.-China rivalry and increase strategic ‍risks.

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