the epoch times

UC Berkeley under Congressional scrutiny for China connections.

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Congressional Committee Raises⁣ Concerns ‌Over UC ⁤Berkeley’s​ Partnership with Chinese ⁣University

A ‌congressional committee‍ has ‍formally‌ requested the University ​of ⁢California, ‌Berkeley (UC Berkeley) ⁢to provide⁢ information ⁤regarding ⁣its‍ partnership with​ a⁢ Chinese state-controlled university, ‍citing grave research security​ concerns.

In a‌ letter⁤ to⁤ UC‍ Berkeley’s president‌ and chancellor‍ on‌ July 13,⁢ the House ⁤Select ⁤Committee ⁢on ​the ⁤Chinese⁢ Communist ⁤Party (CCP)⁣ said the Tsinghua-Berkeley​ Shenzhen‍ Institute (TBSI) gives Beijing ​access ⁤to research ⁤that might ⁢be‍ leveraged for​ China’s military purposes.

TBSI was established in ‍2014​ as‌ a joint institute ⁣between ⁤UC Berkeley,⁢ Tsinghua University ‍in China, and the‌ Shenzhen ⁤government. ⁣Its⁣ research efforts​ mainly focus​ on information technology and ‍data‌ science.

The letter—signed by​ Rep. ⁢Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), ‌chairman​ of the Select Committee​ on the ‌CCP, and Rep. ‍Virginia ⁤Foxx (R-N.C.),​ chairwoman of the‍ Education and ​the Workforce Committee—stated⁢ that the CCP-backed⁢ collaboration “raises⁤ many red⁤ flags.”

According ⁤to⁣ the letter,‍ TSBI’s ⁣research ⁢on “dual-use technologies,”⁢ such ⁣as semiconductor ⁣chips and imaging technology, could contribute to China’s intelligence‍ and ⁢military​ goals.

It‌ also ‌stated ‍that​ TBSI⁣ students‍ were ​employed ‍by‌ entities linked​ with⁣ the ‍People’s‍ Liberation ⁣Army—the military‌ wing ‌of the ⁢CCP—including the China ‌National​ Space ⁢Administration.

In addition, the​ committee‍ said that ‍UC ⁢Berkeley​ faculty serving ‌at the⁤ institute⁣ had received ​funding⁤ from the‍ Defense‍ Advanced⁣ Research Projects Agency ​of the⁢ U.S. ⁣Defense Department​ and ⁣the U.S.‍ Navy, among other​ entities,​ raising⁢ concerns about​ China’s⁢ access‌ to those‌ experts.

“While​ TBSI ‌is billed ‍as a ‌joint technology ⁤venture ⁣among⁢ educational‍ institutions, in‍ practice, it⁣ appears to ⁤be a‌ program through ⁤which ‍the⁣ PRC [People’s ‌Republic of ‌China] ⁤pays ⁣for ‌access⁤ to ‍research⁤ and expertise⁤ from Berkeley ​experts, researchers, ‍and⁢ students,”‍ the letter‍ reads.

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The ‍committee​ said‌ that UC⁤ Berkeley had ⁢failed⁢ to ⁣disclose⁤ the contracts‍ or ​gifts​ received from⁢ Chinese partners, ⁢notwithstanding​ a ​reported ​agreement ‍by⁢ the⁣ Shenzhen government⁣ to ‌provide $220 million​ for the ⁤construction⁤ of⁢ a ⁣campus in ⁢Shenzhen.

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In‌ the letter, ⁤the⁤ committee​ requested⁢ that ​the university ⁣provide by⁢ July‌ 27 all ⁣documents⁣ and information⁤ regarding ⁤its‍ funding, ‌technical ⁣collaboration, compliance mechanisms,⁤ non-disclosure agreements imposed⁣ by⁣ TBSI,⁤ as ⁢well as‌ past ‌and​ current‍ affiliations ⁣of ​TBSI ⁣alumni.

They ⁣also‍ questioned ⁤whether TSBI’s ​winning⁣ contest ‍to optimize 7-nanometer⁤ chip technology ⁢in April‌ violated ⁢the ⁢U.S. export controls⁣ on ⁤advanced ​semiconductor‍ manufacturing⁢ items to‌ China, which ‌was ⁤imposed⁤ in October‌ 2022.

“The PRC​ abuses⁤ seemingly ​innocuous‌ research ‌collaborations like‌ the ⁢one between ⁢Berkeley ‌and⁢ Tsinghua ⁢to⁣ advance‌ PRC ​science ⁢and technology ⁤goals⁢ at ‌the​ expense‍ of​ the ⁤United States,” ​the⁣ committee⁤ stated.

“The⁤ PRC has sent​ thousands ⁣of military ⁤scientists abroad‌ to ‍gather ⁣scientific-military know-how, ‍obtain⁢ sensitive details‍ regarding research​ projects and⁣ emerging technologies, and ‍to ⁣gain‌ access ⁤to American academics,⁤ their‍ research, and their‍ networks,” ⁤they added.

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Failure ‌to Disclose China‍ Funds

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It ⁢comes‌ a ‌month ⁢after the‍ House ⁤Science,​ Space, and ‌Technology‍ Committee sent‍ a ‍letter ​to ‌the ‍National Science Foundation⁣ regarding UC Berkeley’s failure to ⁣disclose $240 million in ‍funds ​from​ China.

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The letter, ⁢signed by ​committee Chairman⁤ Frank Lucas⁢ (R-Okla.) and‍ Research ‍and Technology ⁢Subcommittee⁢ Chairman Bill ⁣Foster (D-Ill.), expressed​ concerns ​over‌ the ⁣potential‍ influence ‌of‌ foreign funding ⁤on⁢ U.S. research ​and ‌called ⁤for increased⁢ transparency‌ and ⁣accountability.

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