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U.S. Military Launches Airstrikes After Iranian-Backed Terrorists Attack U.S. Forces In Syria

On Thursday night, the U.S. army launched strikes against terrorists in Syria who were supported by Iran after a death drone attack claimed the lives of one American contractor, injured five others, and injured another.

According to U.S. knowledge, the attack was launched by” a one-way unmanned aerial vehicle” that” struck a maintenance service on savagely close to Hasakah in north Syria at about 1:38 p.m. local day.”

The precision strikes were launched, according to the Pentagon, to” limits the risk of intensification and avoid casualties.”

U.S. Central Command ago stated that” this night, we responded to an assault on our troops that killed an American company and wounded our troops and another American contractors by striking services used by organizations affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.” ” We will always react at a time and location of our purchasing and take all necessary steps to protect our persons.”

In the event of any additional Iranian assaults,” We are poised for robust options ,” the statement continued. The community of our company who was killed, as well as our injured service members and contractor, are in the thoughts and prayers of U.S. Central Command.

According to the announcement, U.S. troops were still stationed in Syria” to ensure the enduring battle of ISIS, which benefits the security and stability of not only Syria but the whole community.”


As U.S. and foreign officials have grown more worried about Iran’s nuclear program, the affair in Syria occurred. During a hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday, General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, informed legislators that Iran is” several more month” away from developing an” real nuclear tool.”

Jewish leaders, who have become more vocal in recent months about the danger of a nuclear Iran and Israel’s desire to work and prevent such an outcome, have been alarmed by the situation. According to reports, Israeli leaders have warned American and European leaders that Israel will move Iran if it enriches uranium past the 60 % mark. After being enriched to 90 %, uranium is weapons-grade.


Russia and China have also supported Iran at the same time. According to reports, Russia is thinking about giving Iran S-400 missile programs, an anti-air missile system that Israel fears might shield Iran’s nuclear services from an attack. By acting as the contact for a subsequent partnership between Iran and Saudi Arabia, China has assisted Iran in establishing diplomatic relations in the area.

Tim Pearce made a contribution to this article.

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