U.S. Airbase Authorizes Troops To Wear LGBT ‘Pride Patch’

The article discusses ⁤the recent decision by the commander of ‍the Osan Air Force Base in⁤ South Korea, allowing troops⁢ to wear a “pride morale patch” on their⁢ uniforms while‍ on duty. This decision‌ exemplifies the ongoing politicization of the U.S. military under the Biden administration, according to the author. Traditionally, military patches and insignia have ‍been used to denote a soldier’s experiences, qualifications, and unit affiliations, which are sources ⁣of pride reflecting their military careers and achievements.

The author expresses concern that such decisions transform these symbols into ⁢political‌ statements, aligning with the Democratic Party’s ‍trends on diversity, equity, ‍and⁢ inclusion (DEI). The article also references the broader context of ​the U.S. military’s⁤ embrace of DEI initiatives under the‍ Biden administration, including the flying of the pride flag over U.S. embassies and military installations since 2011. The author‌ argues that the politicization of the military could pose dangers to⁢ freedom and potentially ⁤pave the way towards dictatorship. The inclusion of political symbols like the pride patch, according to the author, is indicative of a shift in the military’s values and priorities, potentially‌ influencing promotions and assignments within the military hierarchy.

The latest example of the politicization of the military under the Biden administration (and there are many) has been revealed by Stars and Stripes. It reports that the commander of the Osan Air Force base in South Korea has authorized troops on the base to wear a “pride morale patch” on their military uniforms, in public and while on duty.

Insignia and patches on a soldier’s uniform used to serve the purpose of telling you something about the military qualifications and experience of the soldier. They now can also signal whether a soldier ascribes to the Democrat Party’s current political trends.

The patches, badges, and ribbons on a soldier’s uniform can tell you a lot about the person, including their current assignment, the unit they served with in combat, their time in service and in overseas deployments in a combat theater, campaigns in which they have served, and sometimes their performance in combat.

The patches and badges are not just informative, they are sources of immense pride in military assignments and achievements. For example, soldiers take great pride in being assigned to an elite unit, such as the Ranger Regiment, Special Forces, or the 82d Airborne, and proudly wear their patches or insignia on their uniforms. When you see a soldier proudly wearing a Ranger scroll as the patch on his right shoulder, you know he has served in combat with one of the most elite military units in the world.

The Combat Infantryman’s badge, known as a “CIB,” is also a prestigious and coveted award that veterans of infantry combat wear proudly.

In short, these and other insignia, patches, and ribbons on a soldier’s uniform are like a biography of his military career and accomplishments. They tell you who he is, where he’s been, and what he’s done. And although they are not called “pride” patches or insignia, they are worn with pride in what they represent.

An Apolitical Military Is a National Imperative

I have previously written about dangers of a political military, which is a danger to a free country and paves the way to a loss of freedom and even a dictatorship. But as we know, under the Biden administration, the politicization of the military is proceeding apace. As Joy Pullmann has documented in her just-released book, False Flag, the “pride flag” has flown over U.S. embassies and military installations worldwide since 2011. And our senior military leadership, from Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden on down, has embraced “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) and its political symbols to the max and to the detriment of the military and the country.

And make no mistake about it, commanders who want to be promoted or favored with good assignments know who is buttering their bread and what they want.

New Patch Is a Political Symbol, Not a Military Badge

The Air Force base commander responsible for the change is Col. William McKibban. His spokeswoman told Stars and Stripes, “The patch represents the advancement of the Air Force’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, dignity, and respect within the mission.” Now, there is a commander who understands what his political masters want to see.

Frankly, I would prefer an Air Force that prioritized a “commitment” to winning our wars, but that’s just old-fashioned me.

Although they call it a “pride patch,” the “pride” being touted has nothing to do with military accomplishments as does, say, a Ranger tab, a Seal trident, airborne wings, a ribbon or medal signifying an award for valor in combat, or even a campaign ribbon.

So now Army troops on the air base can proudly proclaim their allegiance to diverse sexual practices by sporting “pride” patches alongside their Ranger tabs, CIBs, and valor awards. Nice job, commander.

Make no mistake about it: Flaunting an 11-colored “pride” patch that announces the wearer’s supposed “pride” in identifying with particular sexual practices or lifestyles is a political statement. It does absolutely nothing to advance a military unit’s lethality, competence, or readiness. But it does signal loyalty to DEI politics. Allowing it on any military uniform is another strike against an apolitical military, which is essential to a free country. But Col. McKibban clearly sees which way the political winds are blowing. My prediction is that he will make general.

John A. Lucas is a retired attorney who has tried and argued a variety of cases, including before the U. S. Supreme Court. Before entering law school at the University of Texas, he served in the Army Special Forces as an enlisted man, later graduating from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 1969. He is an Army Ranger who fought in Vietnam as an infantry platoon leader. He is married with five children. He and his wife now live in Virginia. John also is published at johnalucas6.substack.com.

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