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Twitter’s new CEO issues first statement on assuming leadership.

New Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino Shares Her Vision for the Future

Exciting news for Twitter users! Linda Yaccarino has been appointed as the new CEO of Twitter, taking over from Elon Musk who will now serve as executive chairman and chief technology officer. Yaccarino, who previously worked at NBCUniversal, is focused on transforming the platform into “X, the everything app.”

Yaccarino’s First Statement

Yaccarino’s first statement as CEO was in response to Musk’s tweet announcing her hiring. She expressed her excitement to work with Musk and bring his vision to Twitter. She also emphasized the importance of user feedback and building Twitter 2.0 together.

  • Thank you @elonmusk! I’ve long been inspired by your vision to create a brighter future. I’m excited to help bring this vision to Twitter and transform this business together!
  • I see I have some new followers👀…👋 I’m not as prolific as @elonmusk (yet!), but I’m just as committed to the future of this platform.
  • Your feedback is VITAL to that future. I’m here for all of it.
  • Let’s keep the conversation going and build Twitter 2.0 together!

Yaccarino’s Twitter account shows that she frequently engages with content from Musk and his allies. However, she has also been involved with entities such as the World Economic Forum and the Ad Council, which promote stakeholder capitalism and public service announcements for nonprofits and governments.

Musk has assured users that Yaccarino will not institute shadow bans on conservatives, which were prevalent under the previous management of Twitter. However, the phrase “RIP Twitter” trended on the platform after her appointment was announced.

Yaccarino and Musk also clashed in a recent interview about content moderation and the influence of advertisers on the platform. Musk emphasized the importance of freedom of speech, even if it means losing advertising dollars.

Overall, Yaccarino’s appointment brings a new vision and direction for Twitter, and users can expect exciting changes in the future.

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